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Hello again

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:08 pm
by Verlaine
Hello all I was on this forum at least a couple years ago though I couldn't remember my login. Anyway I jsut want to say again that you all are doing wonderfull work!

I am so very thankful for Exult I've played a lot of games in the last 20 years but Ultima VII is still my al ltime favorite. I play it through at least once a year.

I've even dabbled a little with the studio nothing bit just adding a house. Heh who hasn't wanted their own house in britania :)

I have a couple questions but I'll snoop around the fourms a little more and see if i can find the answers.

Re: Hello again

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:55 am
by Warder
Yeah, Exult is something that I'll always keep on my computer, I think :)