Combat question

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Combat question

Post by MagikGimp »

Two things that seem strange to me about combat in U7:

1) Why do party members with ranged weapons (e.g. bows, lightning rods, hawks etc.) move in as close to enemies to attack as melee weapon wielders do? Shouldn't they be staying back?
2) When is it when I set some party members to Flee mode do they still rush into the fray often getting themselves killed in the process?

Are these just peculiarities of the original game or genuine problems? Thanks.
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Re: Combat question

Post by jkchakkal »

1) The best of the Ultima were never fighting. And yes, the possibilities.

2) like I said, the battle is not strong. It was a game created based on the older systems (computers) that were not processing as many as today.
So the battle was confusing, and this system remained as it was ... until today.
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Earthquake Damage

Re: Combat question

Post by Earthquake Damage »


I'm pretty sure the combat routines in the original were part of the executable. As such, the combat routines in Exult were written from scratch. The combat bugs and/or inappropriate behavior (I too dislike this "rush into melee and fire (cross)bows point-blank" behavior) are therefore unrelated to the original's. To be honest, I don't recall any wacky combat behavior in the original, with the exception that I never noticed any real difference between the tactical settings (i.e. Nearest, Berserk, Protect, &c).
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Re: Combat question

Post by Quentin »

Unfortunately, you'll need to do a bit of micromanaging during combat by pausing and manually commanding your companions by right-clicking to go where you want them to.
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Re: Combat question

Post by drcode »

Those both sound like bugs. I haven't touched the code in a while, but I know that members with ranged weapons should be trying to get within range but not be blocked. It's possible that they're getting closer in order to get a clear shot if there are a lot of NPC's in the way. The code is currently not smart enough to have a party member fire into a group of enemies.:-)

Re: Combat question

Post by Luke »

>>>It's possible that they're getting closer in order to get a clear shot if there are a lot of NPC's in the way. The code is currently not smart enough to have a party member fire into a group of enemies.:-)

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"Yes! But we'll hit theirs as well."
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Re: Combat question

Post by marzo »

I was thinking that maybe the NPC wielding a missile weapon should try to wiggle around looking for a clean shot instead of approaching. But having him switch targets could also work.
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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Re: Combat question

Post by TDI »

This is most certainly a bug. Iolo had no qualms about shooting all his companions in the back, in the original.
torgus dragon

Re: Combat question

Post by torgus dragon »

Which is why I never let lolo use his tripple xbow. He used to hit my party more than the enemies!

Re: Combat question

Post by Paulon »

My policy with missile weapons in the original U7 and SI was always to make sure the party members were using magic arrows or magic bolts. Those didn't hit random party members by accident.