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bugs with Keyring Mod

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 3:34 pm
by Olarin_
Should I post bugs that are obviously related to the Keyring Mod to the bugtracker, or should it only be for 'core' Exult problems?

Some examples of bugs I've had recently using Keyring Mod in OS X Leopard:

- When Jaana is in the party, she sometimes starts spellcasting as though she's having a sneezing fit - usually just casting "An Zu" over and over. (Not sure who she's trying to awaken, but the spell fizzles every time anyway.) Not sure exactly how to reproduce - often happens in combat but can happen other times too.

- Lord British's resurrection spell isn't working - a dead companion's body is on the ground and I ask him to resurrect, and he casts, but his spell fizzles every time. I can provide a savegame for this if it would be of any use. His heal spell does work (heals everyone in the party to full).

- When I ask a companion to cast a spell, it fizzles almost every time - even just Cure. They have the necessary reagents (otherwise they'll inform me that they don't), and the reagents get used up.

Re: bugs with Keyring Mod

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 3:35 pm
by Olarin_
Regarding the first bug: Jaana did not have her spellbook in hand. She usually had her hawk in hand, or sometimes a main gauche or something.

Re: bugs with Keyring Mod

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 6:22 am
by _Olarin
To elaborate a bit, having played thru more:

I haven't tested everything yet, but it seems that most NPC spells that require a target (I know I've tested Cure, Heal, Resurrect, Awaken, and Blink all several times) fail every time they try to cast (with the little fizzle sound effect and puff of grey smoke). (Exception: when I asked a party member to cast Invisibility on me, it appeared to cast successfully, but it still didn't do anything.) Other NPC spells I've tried so far seem to be working properly (such as Light, Mass Cure, and Restoration, and also the variant of Resurrection that Lord British uses if you present him with more than one corpse at a time).

Re: bugs with Keyring Mod

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 6:14 am
by alagner
I've reported that already some time ago.
Looks like it happens mostly when you ask Jaana to use her healing powers the way it worked in the original, instead of having a spell cast, at least that's what I've observed.

Re: bugs with Keyring Mod

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 5:24 am
by _Olarin
Yeah, I did eventually find your thread about Jaana casting randomly, but I hadn't seen anything yet about the large number of NPC spells that simply never work for me (no matter how I go about having them cast, and even for Lord British (resurrection)). I didn't know for sure if it's a bug, or simply that they haven't all been completed yet, or what. (And if it is a bug, I don't know if it's a ubiquitous bug or something specific to something I did in my game - anyone able to confirm / deny?)

Re: bugs with Keyring Mod

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:34 am
by Tristan
This seems to still be a bug. It's doing it to me also, using the latest versions of both Exult and the Keyring mod. When asking LB to resurrect a dead Jaana, who is on the ground next to him, the conversation closes, but then nothing happens.

Re: bugs with Keyring Mod

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:04 am
by Dominus
You need the latest *snapshot* versions of both Exult and the Keyring mod. The mod also needs to be downloaded from our downloads page, not Marzo'S page.

In other words, it works for me ;) (I had so much fun slaughtering my companions)

Re: bugs with Keyring Mod

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 3:46 am
by Josh
Dominus - I recently installed with all the latest and I also see some of what is being reported here.

I won't say that every spell "fizzles". But definitely when I ask Jaana to cast Great Heal - nothing happens. I haven't gone to the trouble to see if the reagents are getting used up, but I know it doesn't work. Now it doesn't "fizzle" with the sound effect - just nothing happens.

That being said, the spell that she seems to be able to consistently cast is Restoration which ends up being better anyway because it heals everybody.

Nonetheless, I thought the other spells should work. I have not tried anything else besides Great Heal.

Re: bugs with Keyring Mod

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:55 am
by Dominus
I think all PaRty-NPC spells have been disabled in the mod - see its readme.
I think restoration is what she can do originally.

Re: bugs with Keyring Mod

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:35 pm
by Alexander Meltinus
I have two problem here. Keyringmod, Vista 64 (I know...) and the latest snapshot. It may be important that the savegames I used to continue with are from the Exult-version of November 2013.

The first problem is similar to the discussed one: LB's healing only works if more than one member of the party is injured - otherwise I have to point at the injured member and nothing happens after he casts the spell. Resurrection doesn't work at all.
I first noticed the strange healing failures when I took Jaana in my party - the girl just didn't accomplish a single healing, with or without magic book. Selfhealing and drinking from the fountain at LB's castle works.

I'm not sure if the other bug I encountered is connected with the Keyring mod. It's some kind of a time anomaly - when I entered the cyclops cave north of Cove and exited on the other side, the gametime skipped forward many hours (it was early night when I entered and late morning when I left, and I didn't linger around to much). Are such bugs known? Another time I encountered the same thing when I left Britain in direction to Cove. The bug wasn't reproducable (it was gone when I loaded one savegame earlier).

I also wanted to thank you very much for the development of Exult, I find it unbearable to play the game in Dosbox (with the cruel framerate) and I'm very happy with your solution.

Re: bugs with Keyring Mod

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:48 pm
by Dominus
Important is that you also run the latest keyring mod from our download page with the latest Exult snapshot.

Best is if you can provide savegames for each bug you encounter and if possible report and upload on our bug tracker

The time skipping seems odd but if you can't reproduce it it's hard to do something about it. Just be aware that as long as Exult is in the foreground time will continue to pass even if you visit the toilet or something like that :)

Re: bugs with Keyring Mod

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:41 pm
by Alexander Meltinus
Hi Dominus,
Thanks for your answer. I use the latest versions of both. Unfortunately the bugs aren't reproducable - I've tried it. No, I wasn't on the toilet or brewing coffee during the game. ;)

Re: bugs with Keyring Mod

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 3:24 pm
by Alexander Meltinus
I'm sorry if I bother you again, but I have a last question: I noticed that certain sound effects are not working properly: The blacksmith in Trinsic for example: If I blow the bellows (is that the correct term in english?) in his smithy, there is a soundeffect (like in the dos-version). If he does the same action, there isn't any sound. Same thing for the clothmaker in Britain. Otherwise the sound effects work.

Re: bugs with Keyring Mod

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 3:25 pm
by Alexander Meltinus
(erratum: I meant the blacksmith in Minoc of course)

Re: bugs with Keyring Mod

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 3:31 pm
by Dominus
Hmm maybe the schedules need to call the sfx explicitly, maybe Marzo on IRC knows more...

As for the other bugs, do you have a savegame for the LB healing/resurrection bug?

Re: bugs with Keyring Mod

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 4:10 pm
by Dominus
Marzo confirmed that we need to set the sfx for the schedules. When the Avatar does something the sfx gets called automatically by the usecode, when a scheduled NPC does something we need to call the sfx. It's not hard to add the sfx to the schedules, just very time consuming ;(
I'll open a bug report later so it won't be forgotten.

Let us know when you observe other missing schedule sfx and thanks for these ;)

Re: bugs with Keyring Mod

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 4:20 pm
by Alexander Meltinus
Hi Dominus,
ok, I've made an accout at Sourceforge and uploaded three savegames:
Two for LB's not working "heal" and "resurrection"-spells and one for Jaana's not working healing abilities.

Re: bugs with Keyring Mod

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:39 pm
by Alexander Meltinus
No problem. I'll keep an eye open for more. ;)
May I use my current savegames for upcoming builds or are there problems to be expected when new features are added? (I used the november 2013-build for the first hours of my playthrough before I changed to the recent build)

Re: bugs with Keyring Mod

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:11 pm
by Dominus
Thanks for persisting on this. It's my fault for nit realizung it when Tristan reported it first. It was ME who was running an old mod which still had a working usecode for this. No idea why my usecode wasn't up to date with the buggy one... Sorry Tristan, sorry Josh.

Marzo is taking a look and seems to know already what the culprit is...

Re: bugs with Keyring Mod

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 5:19 am
by Dominus
Aaaaaaaand... Marzo fixed it!!!

I uploaded new zips for our two mods! Enjoy your great help :)

Savegames from last year should be good to use, btw.

And don't hesitate to report more bugs.

Re: bugs with Keyring Mod

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 9:53 am
by Alexander Meltinus
Great work, gentlemen! Thank you very much! Just a (very) minor detail: Didn't LB used to say something specific if he resurrected a person (not just the formula for the spell)?
I'll report back if I find other problems - Should I open bug tickets for my (potential) findings or can I write here in the forum for smaller questions?
Thank you again!

Re: bugs with Keyring Mod

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 10:02 am
by Dominus
If you are sure it is a bug please file a report, even if it is a known bug, it's better than it eventually being forgotten. Feel free to discuss those you are not sure about... (Maybe in another thread).