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Not sure if these are bugs

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 2:54 pm
by Jaesun9
A couple of things I noticed while playing with the current build and just was not sure if these are "bugs" but more of a "they are on the to do list".

I was glancing over DSimpson's U7 guide on gamefaqs as it mentions the XP values you get for completing certain side quests. I decided to check what the XP value was while playing in Exult and noticed that the XP values were around half the value they are in the original (per DSimpson's Guide).

For example (no spoilers) the main sidequest in Paws once you finish it is supposed to give you 150XP (I also verified this value by playing U7 in DOSBox, and I did receive 150XP). However in Exult is was like only 75XP (I forget the specific amount of XP I got, I just noticed it was not 150).

Second (And I have to admit, this made me laugh out loud) I noticed Zinadia in Cove (At the Tavern) actually goes to her Bedroom to prepare meals. I noticed *most* of the other NPC's in the game have the correct (is Schedule's the right term)? Say for example the 2 girls at the Tavern in Britain actually go to the kitchen to prepare food.

SO I was just wondering, are the XP values for sidequests as well as NPC Schedules still a work in progress or should I report these as bugs on the Bug Tracker?

re: bug reporting

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:55 am
by _Olarin
I'm not a member of the development team, but I think it's safe to say these issues should be reported to the bug tracker, with as much supporting information as you can provide.

I've recently noticed some minor bugs with schedules as well, but haven't been sure how exactly to go about reporting them. Most of them appear to be NPC's just being slightly off position for something - for instance, a shopkeeper might accidentally be just outside of the building they're supposed to be in (whereas in the original they would typically know the building bounds exactly and only go outside for something specific like opening shutters or something), or they might use the wrong desk or chair or bed for something. (I've frequently found Cynthia at the mint sitting at the chair in the room to the north of where she is supposed to be - which, since this is behind a locked door and almost out of reach at normal resolution, is quite annoying if I had some exchanging to do. Also, I seem to recall the game getting confused on bed location - for instance, maybe Caladin goes to sleep in his own room, but somehow lands in a bed in a neighbor's adjacent house. (I also once had a situation where I double clicked on a bed and the Avatar went to a different one, but that was with beds I had hack-moved into the Dark Path so I may have confused the game there somehow.)) I haven't bothered to capture a savegame with a specific example of something yet.

Re: Not sure if these are bugs

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 1:58 pm
by agentorangeguy
some of the schedules seem to work differently than the original which I didn't know if they were bugs or currently being worked on. For example, the "bake" schedule doesn't seem to work unless you have the short rectangular brown table nearby the npc. A few others I've noticed:

-"Eat" doesn't seem to work at all (to my knowledge). In the original, the npc would sit down and eat the food (it would dissapear at a seemingly random time). If their plate was empty, they'd go to the nearest food in the room, pick it up and then put it on their plate to eat.

- Desk work doesn't seem to work either. An npc assigned to desk work just seems to stand or sit there. I don't know if it actually requires the desk though, but in the original, it seemed to work for normal tables too. The npc would randomly pick up and drop desk items around on the desk.

- Lab - I've noticed the npcs sometimes just constnatly bend over the cauldron but not ranodmly drop and place different potions, and "read" books by sitting down & opening and closing them.

- Thief - not sure if this works correctly or not. I don't *think* it does bu tI could be wrong. i've just noticed while i play that the theif doesn't steal anything from you. in the original they'd say stuff like "Nice weather today" while they come up to you and randomly stealing stuff from the pack.

...ahh back in the day, Nicodemus caused me much anger over this. He stole a quest item from me that was necessary to finish the game and I looked EVERYWHERE for that sucker (before I learned of the cheat mode and all that cool stuff). It was as lost as Spark's body in the deep forest (Spark I hardly knew ye..). I noticed one day that Nicodemus stole some money, so I got my revenge on Nicodemus and lo and behold, I found the quest item i needed at last! (might have been the hourglass? i forget)