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Bugs in combat with opened spellbook or other gumps

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2001 6:25 am
by MAC
Hi there,

first i wish to thank you guys, the developers of Exult, who have done a well job with making Exult. Giving me and a lot of other enthusiasts the chance to play again, or sometimes first, this great games from Lord British.

After playing a while, i have found a few things that are really annoying bugs for me.

Before someone now will answer me, that i must post this to the Bug-Tracker, let me say, that i have done this but i want to discuss this too, here in the forums and whant to here what others have to say.

1. Walking with opened spellbook
When the spellbook is opened (or any other gump), the only way to move is to double-click anywhere on the surface, then the party runs to this point.

In the originals you can walk like ever with an opened spellbook.
Like it now is in Exult, makes combat a lot more difficult and kills some fun because it is very difficult to move with an opened and readyed speelbook.

This is the same to every opened gumps.
Example: In the originial you can walk like ever, with opened backpack.

I am not a fan of making all like in the originals, because something can be done better (sorry Richard ;). So here is my favorit solution:
Whenever you have opened any gumps, make the world stands still.
That gives the player the chance to look with ease in his spellbook or what ever. And there is no more need to walk around with opened gumps.

What are you thinking of this solution?

2. You can cast through walls
In the original thats not working and i think that it is a lot more realistic.
Casting through walls is like cheating.

I hope you will fix this sometimes.

Greetings from germany

Re: Bugs in combat with opened spellbook or other gumps

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2001 7:22 am
by XxVenomxX
I dont ever remember being able to move while gumps were open in the original. I just fired up U7run, and I wasn't able to. In fact, the world *did* freeze when they were opened. Though I always found that a tad unrealistic, since if you were in the middle of a battle, and you decided to go rummaging through your backpack, yes you would still get attacked, realistically. I wouldn't expect someone slashing at me with a sword to say 'Oh! You're looking through your backpack! I'll just wait over here until you're done!' :)
Same if you were flipping through your spellbook. But, whatever. I'm not complaining :) Just noting the original. I think having time progress, and being able to move would be good, but it's all gravy. I dig it how it is

Re: Bugs in combat with opened spellbook or other gumps

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2001 8:06 am
by drcode
We used to allow all movement, but that didn't work too well. By the time you could ready an item or cast a spell, the battle would be over.

The current procedure is to stop attacks and party movement while inventory or the spellbook is open.

Re: Bugs in combat with opened spellbook or other gumps

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2001 9:37 am
by MAC

You are right with opened gumps and walking in the original U7, i have wrong remembered, sorry.

Reaslism is not ever the target to hit in gaming.
Some things need a little bit more while otheres didnt.
Thats the really tough thing to hit and the difference between good (funny) and bad games.


Can it be that i am right remebering, that in some/one older Exult version/s the world where frozen while the Spellbook is opened?
I think in one of the last snapshot's it was like this.

Why have you changed it? Was it by fault?


Re: Bugs in combat with opened spellbook or other gumps

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2001 3:04 pm
by suraimu
Yeah, you couldn't move at all while gumps were opened in the original.
The reason I personally remember this is that I remember using a ritual
bloodletting device to kill a Lich. :)

Re: Bugs in combat with opened spellbook or other gumps

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2001 4:55 pm
by Tim
I like the current way in Exult of dealing with open gumps.

I like the spellbook would freezing the movement tho... I always figured the Avatar "knew" all the spells in his book, but I (as player) still needed to find the proper one to click on and it's target.