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Serpent Isle.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2001 1:18 pm
by Stuart "Sslaxx" Moore
> Both DrCode and Dominus have managed to complete Serpent Isle. This doesn't mean the experience is perfect, but many bugs have been fixed along the way !!! <

Excellent! Any cheating involved? :-)

Re: Serpent Isle.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2001 3:25 pm
by drcode
I wasn't forced to cheat anywhere, but did occasionally teleport around when I found I'd left stuff. I also created some reagants so I could get through Furnace.

Re: Serpent Isle.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2001 11:37 pm
by Dominus
I did cheat a lot :-) but that´s because I´m a cheater and not becuase it was necessary. Mostly that is. Some bugs that I reported and got fixed eventually forced me to cheat a bit but those were mostly teleport cheats. All of those bugs I reported have been fixed so you should be able to finish SI without cheating.

Re: Serpent Isle.

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2001 6:12 am
by XxVenomxX
I just finished the game last night, myself. Again, no cheating involved except for the really long distance teleportation when I stupidly left an item sitting somewhere. :P