Hail to Co-Motherlander!

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Max aka Moscow Dragon

Hail to Co-Motherlander!

Post by Max aka Moscow Dragon »

Just from the wedding banquet of my wife's junior sister.
Was in Orthodox church among all. Very great.
Max aka Moscow Dragon

Sorry. This is for Dragon To Be (-)

Post by Max aka Moscow Dragon »

Dragon To Be

Re: Hail to Co-Motherlander

Post by Dragon To Be »

I hope that your wife's sister will have a happy life! I wish you and her great regards!

Re: Hail to Co-Motherlander

Post by Blackbird »

Felicitations! Best wishes from Exult players :-) Also, thank you Max for figuring out usecode because it's made all of this possible!

I have an announcement myself: my fiance is pregnant with our first child due next year in the summer. Hope to turn on another generation to U7 through the magic of Exult :-)

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Re: Hail to Co-Motherlander

Post by drcode »

Congratulations, Max and Blackbird!

Blackbird: Better get your computer-game playing in now; you may have to take a break for a few weeks (months, years:-)) after the baby is born.
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Re: Hail to Co-Motherlander

Post by XxVenomxX »

Yeah, just ask Schildawg, who was working on the Guardian Engine waaaaaay back ;) Once his baby was born, we (mostly Render and I) haven't heard from him. Can't say I blame him though, lol. Babies are cool. Congrats!
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Re: Hail to Co-Motherlander

Post by Dominus »

I have actually wondered what became of him and why he never popped up in the forum (old and new) pointing out what could be done better and finally becoming part of the Exult team :-)
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Re: Hail to Co-Motherlander

Post by Blackbird »

Thanks guys :-)
Hehe... it's going to take a lot more than a crying baby to keep me from playing Exult, although it probably will curb my gameplay in a few ways. I play every day now and get the daily binary snapshots. I guess the big change will be to only get the official betas and play once per week.
Still, determined to pass on the enjoyment of the game to yet another generation.
I won't disappear completely, I promise. I still have another year of graduate school left :-)

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Re: Hail to Co-Motherlander

Post by drcode »

Speaking as an experienced old guy: Spend time with kid(s) while they're young and they think you're the greatest guy in the world. It seems like forever; but eventually, they become teenagers. Then you'll have >lots< of time to spend playing games or working on various projects.

Re: Hail to Co-Motherlander

Post by Blackbird »


I didn't say I was going to play alone :-) No, but seriously... My favorite game will be whatever fun activities I can share with my child. I look forward to discovering worlds beyond Britannia.
Thanks for the advice. I will heed it.
