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The State of Exult Studio? (for the program challenged)

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 4:25 pm
by Andy
Howdy! I was wondering how user friendly Exult Studio has become. Some time ago when I was trying to begin a Claw Isle addon, I kept running into image corruption problems with tranparency. No, I didn't get much passed a few portraits, but the idea has still remained alive in my head. I guess what I'm asking is, can someone who is programming-challenged (myself) create more easily now? I've read several discussions here on usecode, and it makes my head spin.

I have the idea for the story, and can make the portraits. I use Isle of Claw figures, and basically down the resolution of pictures I take of them. It worked pretty well on those that I made. But the rest of the art would have to be done by someone else.....

Exult Studio has been a great continuously developing project, and as always I praise the creators.

Re: The State of Exult Studio? (for the program challenged)

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 7:44 am
by drcode
It hasn't changed all that much, aside from a few bug-fixes. You do have to be able to write usecode in order to implement plot. We've been working on adding object-oriented features to the usecode compiler, but I'm afraid that makes it more complicated.

Re: The State of Exult Studio? (for the program challenged)

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:09 am
by Andy
Thanks for the information DrCode. I guess if my plate clears (busyness), I can attempt some usecode. Of course, it would help if I finished the portraits first, and had some art objects to attach to. So, I should work on those also. The catch is time, and laziness. :p

Re: The State of Exult Studio? (for the program challenged)

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 5:29 pm
by Nicodemus
Hey Andy, I'm a representative of the U6 Archon Project which is basically developing a remake of Ultima 6 with newer graphics and a better engine...we are using the Dungeon Siege engine to make this happen. Some success with this engine has already been had with the Lazarus TEam and the Ultima 5 remake that was released this year.

From reading your posts it seems you enjoy making portraits; Our team is currently in need of another Portrait artist to complete our stock from the original game and to add a few new ones as well. If this is something you may be interested in please drop us a line on our forums: ... &Itemid=28

Our website is here if you would like to check it out:

Thanks bud!
-Nicodemus (U6Archon Team)

(Exult Team---My apologies for the shameless plug and attempted recruiting; if this is prohibited on your forums then by all means delete this post.)