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Post by suraimu »

Has anyone ever stopped to think about the kind of real-world applications
there could be for blackrock? Assuming that there were enough magic
in our world to mold it, that is. One of the first things that came to my
mind was a replacement for asphalt for streets - although that would
probably never happen, seeing as how the streets would never need
to be rebuilt, and the construction workers wouldn't get paid for doing
nothing anymore. :)

Another idea that came to mind was lining a vest with blackrock to make
a rocket-proof vest.
Jack Burton

Re: blackrock

Post by Jack Burton »

> Another idea that came to mind was lining a vest > with blackrock to make a rocket-proof vest but what if the rocket was made of blackrock? :=)

Re: blackrock

Post by suraimu »

Blackrock can't pierce other blackrock. You'd just be bruised to death. :)
Lord G

Re: blackrock

Post by Lord G »

Why would anyone want to replace the asphalt on the streets with black rock????

Re: blackrock

Post by Trevor_Clim »

for extrem skate boarding of course in San Francisco!!!
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Re: blackrock

Post by artaxerxes »

Ok, but what if someone used the Rudyom's wand on this "new" asphalt?

You won't be doing skateboarding but some sort of surfing on the explosion wave....

Posts: 344
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: blackrock

Post by XxVenomxX »

Yeah, chunks of countries would blow up during thunderstorms. Of course, they'd have to be the thunderstorms that make people sneeze when struck, I guess. :/
Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

Re: blackrock

Post by suraimu »

Well, Rudyom's wand doesn't exactly exist on Earth, and hopefully
whoever brought the blackrock here wouldn't bring it as well. :P

Additionally, the reason someone would want to make the roads out
of blackrock is because they would never wear down, and never need
to be replaced. Unless of course a magical storm came through, which
I kind of doubt would happen, seeing as how it's Earth and all. :P

Re: blackrock

Post by Tim »

Since there's no magic here on Earth, how would we mold the blackrock? Unless it was pre-fabbed in Britannia... hmm. Ultima X... The Trade Route.
Lord G

Re: blackrock

Post by Lord G »

A thought about the black gate and Rudyom's wand, why did'nt the Avatar give the wand to one of his companions and tell them to use it on the black gate after he goes home through it ?

Re: blackrock

Post by Stephan »

Maybe because he didn't trust the accuracy of his companions - just give one of them a crossbow and see for yourself. :P

Re: blackrock

Post by Trevor_Clim »

rudyoms wand is made of sugar, you know?
Lord G

Re: blackrock

Post by Lord G »

Another application for blackrock is shoes. You could make shoes out of blackrock so that they don`t get worn out while doing extreme skateboarding.
Posts: 34
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: blackrock

Post by DragonKain »

Blackrock wheels for my A4 so they wont get friggin dented in Los Angeles pot-holes.

Re: blackrock

Post by suraimu »

You wouldn't need blackrock wheels for potholes if the streets were made
of blackrock to prevent potholes. :)

As for not having magic to mold the blackrock.... that didn't stop the
blacksmith dude in U9, not that U9 is a perfect example of Ultima or
anything. :P

I think if someone tried really hard enough they could manage to get
enough magic here to mold blackrock - if I remember the process
correctly, it was like using both magic and electricity or something,
wasn't it? There may be very little magic here on Earth, but there is
-some-, otherwise moongates wouldn't be able to really reach here,
and that gazer from U9 would have dropped dead or at least fallen
to the ground upon arriving. :)