Misc SI problems

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Misc SI problems

Post by Khumash-Gor »

Using snapshot 1.1

There are a few things that seem to be strange to me. One, about the acid. When I first talked to petra, asked petra, about the acid, my portrait switched to hers... I then got her to join my party, and tried to do the transference... Nothing would happen, so I went through the acid, got the water, and tried it again, still nothing I think I've got Petra's body for perm now, lol.

Also, I'm trying to use the spell Summon Shade to talk to the Great Hierophant, I've tried various positions around the room, but none of them do seem to work so I can speak with him. Curious, I've gone on in the game to try and speak to the Chaos Hierophant, and that woked just fine.

Any ideas?
-Vividos Dragon-
Gileathane Dragon

Re: Misc SI problems

Post by Gileathane Dragon »

I had the same petra issue, is by portrait you mean the conversation portrait, and not the paperdoll - you can fix it by opening up the avatar's Npc Stats using the 'f2' cheat menu, (he/she is npc 0) and modifying Npc Flags to Petra which is .. '5' .

Have you completed SI before KG ?
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Re: Misc SI problems

Post by Khumash-Gor »

Yeah, the conversation portrait is what I ment.

I haven't completed SI before, but did come very close, but in the origonal I hit a plot stopping bug. And I don't think I'll beat it this time either... Come to find out, I've lost my Serpent Crown in the jumbled mess of the items in the game :|

Thx for the tips on the cheat menu, I've taken care of the Petra problem.
-Vividos Dragon-
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Re: Misc SI problems

Post by Zosite »

If it is a bug it should be fixed... You could submit a bug report like "Petra issue". And about the Great Hierophant summoning; do you have the Serpent Staff? Ejem...
-Zósite K.S. from Moonlightshadow-
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Re: Misc SI problems

Post by Khumash-Gor »

Well, I spent most of yesterday looking for the GD Crown. I haven't moved on in the game just yet, I'll get the staff later. Its probably gone for good, I've noticed if you stack a few items on the ground, eventually the items you put on top just completely disappear from the game... either that or they go somewhere where I can't ever see them again.

That’s a question too I was wondering, for example the loadstones at the Eye of the Moon, when you place them on the pedestals, they disappear. Is there a place in the game where items disappear to like the dead disappear too? Or are they deleted by the game?
-Vividos Dragon-
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Re: Misc SI problems

Post by wjp »

objects are generally really deleted.

Why not cheat to recreate the crown, btw?
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Re: Misc SI problems

Post by Khumash-Gor »

thats what I thought, about the items being deleted.

I could, but I dont like to. I think the only way that I can cheat to get the crown is go into the SI item room where all the stuff is. I can't create any items. When I go to F2 and try and create an item it says Not Available Yet, is that how its suppose to be?

I haven't played around with Exult Studio much yet, maybe I can do it with that then.
-Vividos Dragon-
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Re: Misc SI problems

Post by wjp »

To create an item press Ctrl-B, find the crown, go back to the game by pressing Esc, and then you can create the crown by pressing Ctrl-C or Insert, depending on your version of exult (check the docs to be sure)
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Re: Misc SI problems

Post by Khumash-Gor »

Thanks wjp.

What is a Usecode Chest? Number 486?

Also, is there a list of all these items? If not, want me to make one?
-Vividos Dragon-
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Re: Misc SI problems

Post by wjp »

Usecode Container? That's some kind of weird object SI uses to store some things in. You actually have it in your inventory, but it's invisible.

A list of items? There should be several floating around on the internet (of the most important items, anyway)
There's also a partial list of the special items in the exult source somewhere.

Re: Misc SI problems

Post by starsk »

I got a hierophant issue: he doesn't want to talk . Each summon shade spell always fails.
and the prob is that i got all the serpent stuff (staff, armour, crown)
I just don't get it...if anyone got an idea...
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Re: Misc SI problems

Post by wjp »

Are you at the right sarcophagus? Did you get all the serpent artifacts without cheating?
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Re: Misc SI problems

Post by Khumash-Gor »

Well, I had to hack myself a new crown. I really hate cheating, but I had to do it, after that, it worked perfectly.

Make sure you're close to the body.

Drop the serpent items. Pick them up again, try wearing them. Something has got to work. I'm using the 1.1 snapshot.
-Vividos Dragon-
Automaton Dragon

Re: Misc SI problems

Post by Automaton Dragon »

I think perhaps the FAQ entry on summoning the great hierophant should be expanded. Might want to mention that you need to be very close to the serpent staff before you pick it up, otherwise the game doesn't recognize that you have it. This one got me as well.
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Re: Misc SI problems

Post by Dominus »

I will write something about it but being pedantic, I wrote that using higher resolutions than the original is considered cheating and may screw your game. This is one of the cases it seems. If you play at the original's res you won't have that problem that you are standing too far away.
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