how to get u7 dialog font?

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how to get u7 dialog font?

Post by punknad »

how to get u7 dialog font?
I am talking about the yellow one appearing when you talk to NPC characters...
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Re: how to get u7 dialog font?

Post by artaxerxes »

they are stored as shapes in the static/fonts.vga file

You need to use expack (if you are running windows, the exult tools are in the d/l section otherwise just make sure you build them when using the "configure" script).

IIRC, the syntax is expack x file
The yelllow font is the first one, 0.shp

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Re: how to get u7 dialog font?

Post by nadir »

Then you need to get to the individual frames within that shape. The GIMP plugin allows you to do that by putting each frame in a separate layer.
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Re: how to get u7 dialog font?

Post by artaxerxes »

also there _could_ be copyright issues.

Re: how to get u7 dialog font?

Post by punknad »

thanks for your help...

Re: how to get u7 dialog font?

Post by punknad »

I have used expack and it works fine...
Now I have .u7o files but I don't know which tools to use to .shp files...
Any idea?
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Re: how to get u7 dialog font?

Post by nadir »

Expack creates .u7o files because it doesn't know their types. Rename them to .shp and use the GIMP or Photoshop/PSP with the appropriate plugins.

Re: how to get u7 dialog font?

Post by punknad »

thanks nadir.
Why have you choosen this name, nadir?
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Re: how to get u7 dialog font?

Post by artaxerxes »

'cause it's the anagram of 'radin' ;-) (french readers will understand).


Re: how to get u7 dialog font?

Post by punknad »

I am french !
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Re: how to get u7 dialog font?

Post by nadir »

I have a passing interest in astronomy

Re: how to get u7 dialog font?

Post by punknad »

yes,in astronomy, nadir is the opposite of ?
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Re: how to get u7 dialog font?

Post by artaxerxes »

I know
that's why I said that!


Re: how to get u7 dialog font?

Post by punknad »

you already know?

big artaxerxes is watching you ;-)
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Re: how to get u7 dialog font?

Post by artaxerxes »

actually, the DNS server is:



Re: how to get u7 dialog font?

Post by punknad »

tu viens d'ou artaxerxes?
Tu as participe a exult?

Where do you come from artaxerxes?
Were you involved in exult project?
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Re: how to get u7 dialog font?

Post by artaxerxes »

Sarry, dans la Marne (Champagne-Ardennes). Jette un oeil dans [url=]About Us[url] pour voir ce que je fais pour Exult. J'habite au Canada maintenant.

Sarry, in Marne (Champagne-Ardennes). Have a look at [url=]About Us[url] to see what I do for Exult. I live in Canada now.


Re: how to get u7 dialog font?

Post by punknad »

ah c'est toi qui porte sur zaurus !

Tu es dans quelle ville au canada?
Cote Francais ou anglais?
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Re: how to get u7 dialog font?

Post by artaxerxes »

Toronto, Ontario and thus english-speaking side.

How about you?


Re: how to get u7 dialog font?

Post by punknad »

france, rennes!

j'ai commence a realiser un petit jeu on line
visible sur

Y a encore rien de jouable car je developpe le moteur pour l'instant.
J'ai fait deux demos : une pour un jeu de plateforme et une pour un rpg.
La je developpe la version client/serveur.


Re: how to get u7 dialog font?

Post by punknad »

I have made a little on line game.
You can try it at

Theses are only demos versions and works only on windows system for now...