Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

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Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by peebles »

One way to rob the bank in Britain is to kill Cynthia and get the keys. I want to do it without killing. There is supposed to be a cheat in which you press ALT+4 and an NPC drops all items, but that doesn't seem to work in BG.
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Re: Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by wjp »

Heh, if you want to cheat anyway you can just teleport into the mint, hack-move the door out of the way, or even just create gold out of thin air ;-)

Without cheating/killing... hmm... I think I heard somewhere that Cynthia leaves the keys on her nightstand at night, but I'm not sure.

Re: Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by peebles »


I don't think I can use telekenesis to move a virtue stone into the vault and then Mark it...
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Re: Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by Trevor_Clim »

"I think I heard somewhere that Cynthia leaves the keys on her nightstand at night, but I'm not sure."

hmm, iam not 100% sure, but i dont think that she leaves the key there. there's no situation in the game where an NPC puts a special item at a special place (ok the candles...^^)

"I don't think I can use telekenesis to move a virtue stone into the vault and then Mark it..."

thats not possible, only levers etc. can be modified with the telekinesis-spell in BG
Is this virtuous?

Re: Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by Aerick »

You could add Cyntia to your party, take the key from her, then dump her again.

Re: Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by Aerick »

You can always bring her back after killing her too. ;)

Re: Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by peebles »

You could add Cyntia to your party, take the key from her, then dump her again."

You must be thinking of a different NPC. Cynthia doesn't join.

Re: Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by blah2 »

Just kill her, take the keys and get Lord British to ressurect her dead body when you bring it to him.

Re: Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by peebles »

Hmm... the game lets me take the gold thru the walls and pick locked chests thru the walls without telekenesis, so I guess no need to kill.

Re: Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by Skutarth »

Hmm, that appears to be a glitch.

There is a way to rob the bank...

This site has ANTI-walkthroughs. It tells you the wrong way to beat the game. It has U7 part I and II and has U8.
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Re: Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by Soen »

tsk tsk. Would an Avatar really rob the bank? Just go kill dragons or bandits and take their money

Re: Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by Morg »

The avatar would and has robbed that bank many a time :)
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Re: Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by Soen »

naughty avatar! no Virtue for you!
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Re: Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by Colourless »

Like virtue matters in Ultima 7 anyway.

Re: Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by Stephan »

"Like virtue matters in Ultima 7 anyway."

Seems like someone missed the whole point of Ultima... :P
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Re: Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by Colourless »

I haven't missed the point at all. I'm just making an observation about Ultima 7. Virtue really doesn't matter in the game at all, nor is it really a part of the game at all either.

You could think of Ultima 7 as being the beginning of the corruption of the Avatar that climaxes with Ulitima 8. Unlike U6, the game doesn't even bother to track Karma levels so being unvirtueous has almost no effect.

You get caught and go to prison, just break out, or just walk out if you have bribed the guard for the key. The game lets to be excessively unvirtueous... why is that????
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Re: Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by artaxerxes »

I read somewhere that LB hates when the thought processed in lock in some sort of that's-the-way-it-should-be-and-no-other-way-should-exist type of views.

That's the reason why he set up a way to disavow Lord British in SI, to act like a thief and a vandal in BG and to reject the Virtues almost entirely in U8.

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Re: Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by wjp »

There appears to be a key in Cynthia's home that opens on of the doors in the mint. That might be usable to break in.

> Hmm... the game lets me take the gold thru the walls and pick locked
> chests thru the walls without telekenesis, so I guess no need to kill.

That doesn't work for me in Exult. Did you have hack-mover (alt-h) enabled?

Re: Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by Stephan »

No, the point is that there shouldn't be a "reward" to being virtuous, except maybe having people like you (which doesn't really happen in U7).

When you play an Ultima game, you play the Avatar, the savior of Britannia. True, you don't get severely penalized when you steal or murder - at least, it's not covered by the game mechanics. But if you do that, then you aren't really the Avatar any more, are you? The point is simply this - you're supposed to be virtuous because it is the right thing to do, not because doing so would earn you an über-powerful platemail +55 vs. diamond golems or something similar. This is my personal opinion, but I think that those who ignored virtue just because the game mechanics didn't penalize them really missed out on the true meaning of the Ultimas.
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Re: Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by Dominus »

sorry, but I have some problems with that post.
1. it is not only about the rewards but also about the penalties of being unvirtous. Also I seem to remember that following the virtues was not giving you rewards in "earthly" goods but made it possible to finish the game...
2. When you play Ultimas you play just the saviour of Britannia. Only in the Ultimas 4-9 you are also the Avatar. Just to be nitpicky (and also in U8 you may be the Avatar, the saviour... but you can't win the game by being virtous and you are the destroyer of a whole world).
3. Ultima is not a religion. There is no true meaning. It is a computer game nothing else. One that is dear to many of us but in the end it is nothing more than the ideas of too many people to make it count anything.
4. That aside I think the true meaning of the Ultimas is that the games aim to give you freedom of how to play it. The part that is the prime example of this is The Black Gate...
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Re: Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by Soen »

Sure, its just a computer game. But isn't the point of games to give us a temporary escape from reality? To be something that we can't ordinarily be in our lives, like a Hero who saves the world. If you wanted to pretend for a while that you're a criminal then you can always play Grand Theft Auto or Thief. But the point of the Ultima series is that you play a hero, a virtuous character who works for the betterment of his fellow people. Half the time I spend in Black Gate is spent helping out the little people, solving crimes or bringing together couples. I immerse myself in the character and what that character stands for.
Yes, you have complete freedom in U7 to do what you like. But the same could be said of real life. If you really want to rob someone, you could always go out and start breaking into people's houses. But I think most of us don't do that because we know its the wrong thing to do.
I honestly get more pleasure out of playing the game without stealing, by working for the other characters or taking money from the bad guys or mining. The character I play is an Avatar, a champion of Virtue. And even though the game doesn't force me to act one way or the other (just as in real life, its my choice) I choose to because it gives the game more meaning to me.

Re: Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by Stephan »

Thanks, Troy. You got my point. ;)
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Re: Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by Trevor_Clim »

hmm, my opinion.
it has been mentioned already, but it's the big cool thing in BG:
The (nearly) complete freedom.
Some guys like Troy act like the real avatar and "defend" the virtues, some other (like me) are the evil ones, who rob, kill and dont finish the game because they build up their own kingdom^^
so BG gives everyone the possibilty to play like he/she wants. and that's the cool thing :)

ehm, sorry for my bad english, i hope you understand ^^
Is this virtuous?
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Re: Way to rob bank in BG without killing?

Post by Annorax »

The only way I know of to rob the bank without cheating is just to kill Cynthia, take her keys, then take her to Lord British to ressurect her. I think the key on her nightstand opens one of the vault doors, but I can't remember.
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