Additional Dream realm problem

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silver serpent

Additional Dream realm problem

Post by silver serpent »

I have finally spoken to siranush, after reloading an earlier save to clear a few of the odd bugs (such as empty buildings), but after going back to her now I have the crystal, she speaks to her lover bloke, then the game crashes.

Here is my latest save


Thanks for looking at the other bug so quickly, you guys do a really good job
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Re: Additional Dream realm problem

Post by DragonKain »

Use the latest snapshot. It fixed this problem for me.
silver serpent

Re: Additional Dream realm problem

Post by silver serpent »

I have just tried the latest snapshot and it still crashes. Bit of a plot stopper
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Re: Additional Dream realm problem

Post by wjp »

Strange. That savegame works for me.
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Re: Additional Dream realm problem

Post by Dominus »

Works for me as well (Windows XP) current snapshot
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silver serpent

Re: Additional Dream realm problem

Post by silver serpent »

thanks for trying it, I will re-install my game and reload it