Ultima 7 Online

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Ultima 7 Online

Post by RayOfAsh »

Ultima 6 Online is out, but what about Ultima 7 Online. Exult is open source. Is anybody currently working on a Ultima 7 Online project?
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Re: Ultima 7 Online

Post by Darke »

In short, no.

In slightly-less-short, search the forums, there were a couple of
threads on this.

In longer, IIRC, there were two different u7online games that had
started being made, AFAIK, both projects are dead now.

In even-longer-still, I believe that none of the exult team are
interested in creating an online version of exult, I know I'm not,
and DrCode has voiced his opinion elsewhere in the forums.

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Post by drk »

ultima should never be an online game period.. they ruined the series when they made it online ;/
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Re: Ultima 7 Online

Post by Trevor_Clim »

ehm... why do you want ULTIMA 7 Online, when there is ULTIMA ONLINE available?
Is this virtuous?
Dino (can't log in)

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Post by Dino (can't log in) »

Making Ultima 7 online?

Is that virtuous?
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Re: Ultima 7 Online

Post by drcode »

But if anyone want to, they're free to use our source. I think it would be an interesting project; it's just not something I have time for.

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Post by `daniel »

ultima online is different from ultima 7 in many respects and having played both I'd prefer an ultima 7 online for sure. It's just a matter of peoples motivation to complete the huge task.

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Post by Man »

There is an ultima 7 like online rpg. go to http://www.epicbeyond.com
not many players tough, and kinda boring.
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Re: Ultima 7 Online

Post by finite »

What the... so by "ultima 7 like" you mean they ripped all the freakn graphics from U7? Somehow, I don't think that is virtuous.

Besides, I really doubt how well U7 could translate to a multiplayer environment. But if people are game, best of luck to them. It will be a monumental task, no doubt.
- Alert the town guard!
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Re: Ultima 7 Online

Post by Trevor_Clim »

Must we do this!??!?!
This Online game sucks, i played it, because nobody besides me is online on the single server :D
i like the graphics, but the controls are too complicated, i dont know why they didnt used the U7-controls...
Is this virtuous?

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Post by RayOfAsh »

*gets chared to a crisp* oops, forgot to put on falme retardent(or how ever its spealt) proof. Well Ultima 7 is diffrent from UO in many diffrent ways, and i thin kit would be fun to venture with ur friends. I wasnt asking for soembody to make a computer program to calculate Pi or something. Ah whatever.

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Post by RayOfAsh »

Oh and i forgot to put in, i have already seen Epic Beyond and no its nothing like Ultima sept maybe the graphics and yes it is stupid AND boreing.

Re: Ultima 7 Online

Post by ramada »

not again! I don't wanna read this U7 online s**t again.
Ultima7 = Ultima 7 offline
that's it.
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Re: Ultima 7 Online

Post by sslaxx »

I think it's time this thread was frozen.
Stuart "Sslaxx" Moore.