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Post by Drew »

In the original U7 the option for manual combat with the avatar was available.
As in double click equals a swing of the weapon. However, it is non-functional in exult. Do you have any plans to fix this? I hope so because it is this feature that I enjoy the most over just click and watch combat. Also, it seems like the different functions for party AI the tactics, doesn't seems to matter in exult either. Any plans to fix this? or maybe a patch or mod I'm just not aware of?
Thank you for a wonderful engine and your time and consideration.


Drew Dunnam.
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Re: Combat

Post by agentorangeguy »

I think DrCode will be looking at combat soon, it's in dire need of some love. Would be great to have the range working again where npcs and the party don't crowd each other at point blank while fighting even with ranged weaponry, and then get all the various combat options working and possibly add more? Maybe U6 style where during battle you could position them based on the Avatar's location : Front, rear, and so on.
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Re: Combat

Post by drcode »

I don't remember ever trying manual combat in U7. How do you turn it on?

I agree that the first thing to look at is why the NPC's crowd each other. I just set up a saved game where the Avatar has a halberd of range 5, and he's fighting an NPC with a sword with range 3. But they just stand there at distance 3 hacking at each other until the Avatar loses. Perhaps this will be an easy improvement.
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Re: Combat

Post by agentorangeguy »

Manual combat was the option with the question marks, and you could turn it on via paper doll like the others. All it did was prevent the avatar from targeting someone automatically from what I remember.

Ranged weapon users seem to fire once then move on close to fire at point blank range as well
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Re: Combat

Post by drcode »

Just checked in my first try at having an NPC back off if he's attacked, and he's closer than his own weapon's reach.

I also see some strange logic where, if an NPC with a ranged weapon doesn't have a clear path, he tries to run all the way up to his target. Will look into this next.
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Re: Combat

Post by agentorangeguy »

Awesome! Yeah sometimes it seems they actually will stay there but then move up to their target. I forget how the original handled this, whether it just switched targets or moved to a different tile to try again?
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Re: Combat

Post by agentorangeguy »

DrCode: Is this testable on the windows snapshot (changes you made)? I noticed the Mac snapshot has been updated but no changes on the windows snapshot since March.
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Re: Combat

Post by Dominus »

Let's give Kirben a bit more time. He lives in Australia so he might still be sleeping...
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Re: Combat

Post by Dominus »

and he uploaded a new built! :)
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Re: Combat

Post by agentorangeguy »

Excellent! Can't wait to try this out!
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Re: Combat

Post by agentorangeguy »

DrCode- I got the chance to try out the recent changes to combat, it's MUCH better than it was, they don't seem to crowd the target anymore. Are you still tweaking it or are you happy with it now?

When it is to your liking, would be great to get the individual combat settings functioning as they should (attack strongest/weakest/random... and so on).
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Re: Combat

Post by Dominus »

I think Jeff is out on a hot dancing holiday ;)
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Re: Combat

Post by drcode »

Back with sore feet. Could use another croissant; maybe Marzo could send one. :-)

I only tried to fix the problem with ranged weapons, where NPC's would run adjacent to the target if they didn't have a clear shot. Now they wander a bit, then try again. I wanted to hear from users if there are any problems or bugs with this; otherwise, I'm done for now.

So yes, I could look at the combat settings next.

Thanks for the report.
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Re: Combat

Post by agentorangeguy »

I've been testing it and its functioning so much better. So far I've not noticed any bugs with it, it does look a little funny when they step around then fire but It sure beats the "shoot at point blank range" bug :D It seems to work fine as far as I know.
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Re: Combat

Post by drcode »

Thanks! It is possible we could make the NPC's smarter using the pathfinder; ie, search for a spot where there is a clear shot instead of just picking a random one. Still thinking about that.

Re: Combat

Post by Tribun »

Don't have the time to test it. Therefore: Are melee weapons now also working like they should? The damn clustering made it pointless to use weapons like halberds.
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Re: Combat

Post by drcode »

An NPC should now try to step back if he's closer than his weapon's reach, so it should be better now.
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Re: Combat

Post by Gotcha! »

Thank you again for this, DrCode. :)
Knight Captain
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Re: Combat

Post by Knight Captain »

Testing this now. Looks nice so far.

Can't tell if the Furnace trolls with whips are retreating or backing up at times. Maybe the range of 6 is putting them to the other side of the walls, thus making it look like a retreat?
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Re: Combat

Post by Knight Captain »

I think I just got killed by Shamino's plain arrow. Looks like they may be able to shoot through walls, too?
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Re: Combat

Post by drcode »

I hope they're not backing up THROUGH walls. That would be a bug. :-)

And arrows should not go through things either. I'll have to check, but I think an NPC won't fire if there isn't a clear path.
Knight Captain
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Re: Combat

Post by Knight Captain »

It may have been the holes in the wall in the Goblin Camp. I'll see if I can retest.

Is the clear path done at a Z-axis level? I'd say Z-3 would make sense.
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Re: Combat

Post by drcode »

Looks like we're checking a path from the top of the attacker to the bottom of the target. Not really correct, though it's probably okay in most cases. Maybe it should start from 2/3 of the height of the attacker, and to to the middle of the defender.
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Re: Combat

Post by agentorangeguy »

Walls in the goblin camp are shoddy, so it might not be combat related. I believe either some walls aren't set up right stay wise (x,y) or they aren't connected all the way. Try walking around in every goblin hut and see how many places you barge through the wall and you'll see what I'm talking about :)
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