Skara Brae Questline Bug

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Skara Brae Questline Bug

Post by CommanderKitler »

Hello everyone,

This year I finally got around playing Ultima VII ( of course using exult) and it has been fun but now I am stuck at the Skara Brae Questline.

When the townspeople gather in the dark tower at 12:00 AM and lay down on the stone "beds", they get stuck in this state forever. When I use the magic cage and potion on the Liche and he turns back to horance the dialogue with him starts but after that instead of everybody moving back to their houses they just stand in front of their beds staying in the same state they have when the liche calls them for the ritual and they all are completely unresponsive. When I talk to Horance after that he's back to being the liche and is also unresponsive.

This seems to be happening in a similar fashion if I don't go through with the ritual (the bit with the cage and potion) as I've tried just "stealing" one of the beds when the ritual starts and sleep in it for 8 hours - after I tried that the townspeople where back in their houses but also unresponsive.

the only other report of this bug happening I found was on this GameFAQ page: ... /faqs/1816

The Author there states the following:
"Skara Brae is a very awful place. I got stuck here in some bizarre bug
that could have been caused by a great many things. When I freed
everyone from the Liche's power, they still acted like they were in the
Black Mass, FOREVER. I had to go back to a previous save."

I tried just that but to no avail (loaded a couple of different saves i did a couple of minutes/hours before but the same thing happens everytime)

I'm not even quite sure if this is a bug with Exult or Ultima VII as the author of the GameFAQ page doesn't state what he used to play the game. I'm not even quite sure if this is the right place for this question but I gotta start somewhere.

Maybe somebodys got an idea how to stop this bug from happening or a way to skip the skara brae questline (I basically spoiled the whole thing for me trying to find a solution for this problem.

Version used: 1.5.0git Windows
OS: Windows 10
Game Version: GOG-Version


Re: Skara Brae Questline Bug

Post by CommanderKitler »

I really should stop playing old videogames when i'm barely awake.
It came to my mind that it's maybe just the seance spell that stopped working, so i talked to rowena just a couple seconds before the ritual started. And yep- she ignores me. so I recast seance and talk to her and it works.


Now the ritual starts and I do the cage and potion thingie aaaaand

nobody will talk to me :(

So I cast seance again- and now it works. So it seems doing the potion and cage thingimagick removes the seance effect (or it just gets disabled everytime the clock goes to 12 AM which might be possible the more i think about it)

So my problem is fixed I guess

Re: Skara Brae Questline Bug

Post by Paulon »

I think it's the time, rather than the quest actions that causes this. It took me quite a while to figure out what happened the first time I struck it, which wasn't on my first playthrough of the original game.
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Re: Skara Brae Questline Bug

Post by Dominus »

Great you figured it out.
I guess I will need to expand the Skara Brae gameplay FAQ since you are not the only one bitten by this quirk.
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