Using the Exult for a commerical standalone game?

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Jesper N

Using the Exult for a commerical standalone game?

Post by Jesper N »

Is it possible to use the Exult to develop your own game with it?
Is it possible to change the textures for your own?
Is it possible to have video cutscenes?
Add your own music and sounds?
If someone is sitting on the information or know someone who is, would you please contact me on this mail?

All the best / Jesper N
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Re: Using the Exult for a commerical standalone game?

Post by Dominus »

Yes, yes, not really, yes, no
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Re: Using the Exult for a commerical standalone game?

Post by drcode »

You could enhance the engine to support video cut-scenes. We just never got around to doing it.