can`t win Shazzana, is she 60 combat?

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can`t win Shazzana, is she 60 combat?

Post by Lylyhannah »

Dex 28 Str 18... can`t win Shazzana, is she 60 combat?

By the way, how much defenses in serpent crown, serpent armour, brass shield... Isn`t brass one serpent?
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Re: can`t win Shazzana, is she 60 combat?

Post by Dominus »

Serpent Armor: 6 armor points, no extra immunity, seems no warmth setting at all (magic armor has 5 points, 5 warmth)
serpent crown: 1 armor point, warmth -8 :)
brass shield has 3 armor points (magic shield has 4 points)
I don't quite get your brass shield question, but no it is not serpent, there is no serpent shield (except the magic one has a serpent on it)
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Re: can`t win Shazzana, is she 60 combat?

Post by Knight Captain »

There's no Serpent Shield in the game, but logically there should be. The brass Serpent Sword is a single-handed weapon.
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Re: can`t win Shazzana, is she 60 combat?

Post by Dominus »

Somehow that sword doesn't feel like the real serpent sword to me :)
As you have the two handed seprent staff.. no shield needed :)
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Re: can`t win Shazzana, is she 60 combat?

Post by Gotcha! »

I figure this is another post from you-know-who, guys. He can't hide his manner of language use very well.
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Re: can`t win Shazzana, is she 60 combat?

Post by Dominus »

Lyly is clearly a fan who is not trolling and made an effort to learn things (and the IP confirms it). Please do not throw accusations around just based on English skills.

@Lyly, don't worry, you did fine. We just had someone trolling us with impossible questions, so we are all a bit jumpy.
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Re: can`t win Shazzana, is she 60 combat?

Post by Gotcha! »

Dominus: Oops. I didn't realize you could check IP's. The forum is, well, not the most modern one. I'm glad to hear that you know precisely when he's about, and I'll stop being paranoid.

Lyly hannah: My sincere apologies. We're plagued by someone who keeps trolling these forums and likes to use different usernames as well.

To me, the manner in which you asked your question and the way you type felt similar to him, so I guessed it was him again.
It was very rude of me to assume this, and I humbly apologize.
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Re: can`t win Shazzana, is she 60 combat?

Post by Gotcha! »

Let me at least make it up a little then, by answering the Shazzana part:

She has a combat skill of 24 and a dexterity of 28, so she's pretty good in combat when it comes to hitting you.

For most people you fight in the arena, you need pretty high stats to beat them. To give yourself an edge, choose the halberd every time. It's the best weapon from the ones you can choose from.
If you can't beat someone, level up, train more, and come back for revenge. Eventually you'll beat them.
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Re: can`t win Shazzana, is she 60 combat?

Post by Knight Captain »

Isn't this the same topic as viewtopic.php?p=1767606#p1767606 ?

The halberd has the longest reach, so it is a great choice.

I wonder if Dr. Code's recent-ish improvements with backing away in combat are making this more difficult than it would otherwise be? It's not something I tested extensively.
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Re: can`t win Shazzana, is she 60 combat?

Post by Gotcha! »

Indeed it is.

About backing up, it'd definitely make it easier, since the Avatar would outreach anyone on the field (except for the cheats with bows, when going for a non-trainer fight), stepping back before the opposition would complete their swing.

Both the Avatar and Iolo do this (perhaps based on intelligence?) in the original game, and I remember them often winning arena fights by keeping their distance.
Shamino and Dupré just stand there and take it like a man.

I haven't tried it out in Exult yet, since Dr. Code's change, but I'm looking forward to my next playthroughs. :)
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Re: can`t win Shazzana, is she 60 combat?

Post by Knight Captain »

Logically, wouldn't it be based on Combat skill?

I have gotten as far as functionalizing the DEATH script for each Monitor and Party NPC, because that's what the code gods demand. It's a standard block for each of them related to the List Field's coordinates.
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Re: can`t win Shazzana, is she 60 combat?

Post by Gotcha! »

Logically, it should. But to my experience, the Avatar and Iolo are the only ones that avoid incoming blows, even when everyone's combat is near or on 30.
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Re: can`t win Shazzana, is she 60 combat?

Post by Dominus »

@Gotcha... I'm sorry. seems you were at least partially right. The original post is from the usual guy and this is a copy, probably by spammer...
I give up now...
All minno posts will be deleted now slowly...
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Re: can`t win Shazzana, is she 60 combat?

Post by Gotcha! »

I'm just happy my troll detector didn't fail me. :P
After you mentioned it was a different IP, I figured he was having fun with a proxy site, but I can't prove it. Then KC mentioning the copy, which I had read before, but promptly forgot about.
I still think it's the same guy, finding new ways to annoy.

I made an apology, because the last thing I want is people thinking I'm an a-hole.

Anyway, no excuses needed. I think we're all just very tired of this guy. I know I am. This forum is one of the last little meeting places for U7 fans and even though there's not much going on here nowadays, I love to visit and find it hard to ignore the misbehaving dog shitting on the carpet.