paperdolls in BG

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paperdolls in BG

Post by agentorangeguy »

Anyone else notice something kind of wonky going on with them? For example, I should be able to put a two handed sword on the Avatar's back but it just goes back into his hands. It seems the only way it will go on the back is if his hands are full. Same thing with cloaks I've noticed. Is this a bug?
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Re: paperdolls in BG

Post by Gotcha! »

Hmm, that's odd. It only seems to be a problem with weapons put on the back, not on the belt.
Putting two-handed weapons near their feet does put them on their back.

I can't say if this problem is new or not.
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Re: paperdolls in BG

Post by agentorangeguy »

I've never noticed it until recently. I made the storm cloak and I couldn't get it on his back without a lot of messing around with it
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Re: paperdolls in BG

Post by Efriim »

I remember this from when I first played exult, mostly with the two handed sword. Wait, is it possible to put the bed roll on your back or am I making this up? I think I decided that the two handed sword was supposed to go on the belt slot. It was worse in older versions.
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Re: paperdolls in BG

Post by Efriim »

Spellbooks are animated turning the pages to the bookmark when opening.

The spell "light" is colored like a torch in exult, where it has a different color with less red/yellow in the original.

In Britain Castle if you are getting the key to the upstairs storage, someone can tell you that you are stealing.

The Paper Dolls are confusing. They belong in Serpent Isle.
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Re: paperdolls in BG

Post by Efriim »

I think if you sell all your gemstones you will lose your moonstone.
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Re: paperdolls in BG

Post by Knight Captain »

I believe the paperdolls can be turned off if you don't like them in BG.

Selling all your gems won't cause the loss of the moonstone (it's a different shape) but will cause the loss of the Isle of Fire crystal. That was included as a frame in the gem shape.

I'd love to see screenshots of color differences.
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Re: paperdolls in BG

Post by Dominus »

Evan, please stay on topic.
If you want to talk about other things do a new topic.

The BG slots are more limited than SI so there might be problems. For example a cloak (i thought there were no cloaks in BG?), gorge and necklace all use the same slot, so you can only have one of those.
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Re: paperdolls in BG

Post by Efriim »

I thought I did something very bad because I was getting Bad Gateway 502
so I installed Firefox
I read your posts and it made me smile.

The bottom two are with the spell light. The upper left is with a torch and the light fountain but it doesn't matter because they are the same.

Image ... sp=sharing
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Re: paperdolls in BG

Post by Gotcha! »

Yeah, eventually this forum stops working, giving that error.
You can delete this site's related cookies to make it work again.
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Re: paperdolls in BG

Post by Efriim »

Thanks I didn't know that about 502's... cookies.

I have a valuable question, where do I look in github the source files for the light code? I love this game a lot, I grew up with it.

I'm learning some regular expressions and brace expansion, as well as loops.
I think I can do this.

Ill get back to the topic.