Exult Studio shape edit options

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Exult Studio shape edit options

Post by agentorangeguy »

In the ES shape edit menus, there are a few options I've always wondered what they were.. Anyone know? they are:

- Strange
- Occludes
- Is Locked (for doors? chests?)
- Is Mirror
- On fire
- Extradimensional Storage

Extra at the bottom:

NPC Flags
Content rules
Frame HPs

Any idea on what these are and what they do?
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Re: Exult Studio shape edit options

Post by Dominus »

I have no idea.
Probably need to look up if any shape has that and how it works.
I guess mirror will automatically use second shape if the Avatar (or NPC?) steps near
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Re: Exult Studio shape edit options

Post by Dominus »

strange: this affects monsters with strange movement, e.g. Slimes. I *think* it helps with glueing the shapes of a slime together

occludes: set if the shape completely occludes the space iit is covering -> roofs

is locked: for example sealed fellowship box is locked, or the locked chest (but not doors)

is Mirror: mirrors, but no idea how it is affected

on fire: burning stuff is on fire, can't be placed inside a container

Extradimensional Storage: specify containers as having "extra-dimensional"
storage; that is, their contents don't count as weight and they
have unlimited internal volume. (there is such a container in the BG Keyring mod)

NPC flags: it is an NPC and has the usual NPC flags

Frame HP: frame hit points, you can assign the frames of the shape hit points (check doors and chests, for example)

content rules: containers that need special rules, like jawbone in SI that only accepts the teeth and urn that accept nothing.
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Re: Exult Studio shape edit options

Post by Knight Captain »

That was something I noticed in the SI keyring, which is it adds weight with each key. Should Exult "know" that is extradimensional without changing the shape info, in others words add this by default to a stock SI+SS game?
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Re: Exult Studio shape edit options

Post by Dominus »

The keyring behaves as in the original AFAIK (and natural, every key you add to a keyring adds weigh ;)).
The extradimensional flag is not an original flag but added by us, Marzo specifically.
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Re: Exult Studio shape edit options

Post by agentorangeguy »

interesting, thanks Dominus! I was trying to find out what some of them meant but couldn't figure some of them out
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