What's new in mod land mid 2019?

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What's new in mod land mid 2019?

Post by Dale »

Seeing where people are at is always fun.
I know the U6 mod has been sharing some cool updates on social media and it is super exciting!
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Re: What's new in mod land mid 2019?

Post by agentorangeguy »

Working on it as we speak! :D
Ultima 6 Mod for Exult site: http://www.ultima6.realmofultima.com/
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Re: What's new in mod land mid 2019?

Post by SirJohn »

The U7 Nitpickers patch has been released lately, with the CMD installer including an option to install it as Exult mod.
The German translation patch, which might be not too interesting for you anyway, has been released, but I still work on the "install as mod" option here.
The only other thing I have worked on, which is of use for EXULT in some regard, is an updated "easy-to-read" FONTS file (, which Dominus put up for download here). The update corrects the line spacing, allowing to display more text. Relevance being: if you played U7 using the serife font before the update, you have not been able to see and click all purchase options in several stores. With the update, you are.

Apart from that it's somewhat "BASIC":

10 PRINT "I am still busy translating Serpent Isle into German"
20 IF %YEAR% < 2022 THEN GOTO 10
30 PRINT "I did it!"

Posts: 176
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Re: What's new in mod land mid 2019?

Post by Dale »

This is all cool to hear!
What can you tell me about the Nitpicker patch?
Knight Captain
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Re: What's new in mod land mid 2019?

Post by Knight Captain »

I was under the impression it was for the German language version.

I owe someone a boat. ;)