Basic Blacksmithing (not FoV)

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Basic Blacksmithing (not FoV)

Post by Nickisaacson »

Hi All,

Just started a new game, and decided i wanted to take a sword blank in Christopher's shop and forge it.

I accomplished the forging and quenching, but now I still have a "sword blank".

Is there a way to finish the sword?

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Re: Basic Blacksmithing (not FoV)

Post by Dominus »

No, not in plain vanilla Ultima VII. There is a mod that allows it, perhaps even the Keyring mod.
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Re: Basic Blacksmithing (not FoV)

Post by Gotcha! »

What Dominus said. (The Keyring mod definitely allows it.)
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Re: Basic Blacksmithing (not FoV)

Post by Nickisaacson »

Thanks! I will definitely check it out.
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Re: Basic Blacksmithing (not FoV)

Post by Nickisaacson »

Okay, so I checked it out. In both the original "Quests and Iterations" mod and the Keyring mod, I forged the regular sword blank into the shiny sword blank. But I'm stuck at this point.

How is the sword completed? What is needed to add a handle or otherwise turn it into a sword? And does it end up a Custom Sword or just a regular Sword?

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Re: Basic Blacksmithing (not FoV)

Post by Nickisaacson »

Nevermind. I dug out the original readme for the Alun Bestor mod.

He mentions to see Menion in Serpent's Hold.

Just make sure that you aren't overburdened when you talk to him. He supposed to hold the sword until you free up space. But the "Can I have my sword now?" option seems to be broken. I had to reload the game from the last save and try again but it worked.

Thanks again.