Voices are high-pitched in BG

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Voices are high-pitched in BG

Post by Sarak »

Okay I am using the newest version of Exult (1.1.9 I believe) and I am playing the Black Gate.

For some reason the in-game voices (pretty much just the guardian) are high pitched and sound rather dumb. I was wondering if anyone has a solution to his?

I have Windows XP, Soundblaster Audigy LS soundcard, and an Nvidia Geforce FX 5700 Ultra video card.

I also have the sound pack and music packs downloaded from this site and installed.

Anyways, I was hoping someone has a fix for this. The voice of the Guardian sounds fine in the opening movie, but not in the game.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Voices are high-pitched in BG

Post by Sarak »

It almost sounds like the voices have been sped up. Can anyone help please?
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Re: Voices are high-pitched in BG

Post by Dominus »

You have an Audigy soundcard... Go into the Audio HQ from their software and from there to the EAX Control Panel and make sure you have all effects turned off. This is the first thing that comes to my mind.
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Re: Voices are high-pitched in BG

Post by wjp »

You should search the forum for a post by Colourless explaining this.

Re: Voices are high-pitched in BG

Post by Sarak »

Hmmm, I found the post by colourless but it wasn't very helpful. He just said that Exult needs to be hacked to manually play the correct samplerate of the voices. He didn't say how to do this.

Can anyone help?

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Re: Voices are high-pitched in BG

Post by GPA_Nemesis »

I've run into the same problem myself, now that I started playing Exult. Win XP, SB Live! Value card. As this detracts from the 'mood' of the game, I'm going to shelve Exult until a solution's found. A pity, you'd hope something this bad would be resolved by this point in a RC nonetheless.

The Guardian, I can fight, Alvin, of the chipmunks, I cannot...


And no, Sarak, you're not alone...Colourless' post seems to indicate there is no fix until the desiners hack Exult themselves. Pity.
-Brian (Playful Dragon)
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Re: Voices are high-pitched in BG

Post by GPA_Nemesis »

Another interesting note...despite the other post making this sound like a definitive Exult bug, it's not listed in the bug tracker. Should I enter it there. No real save game or anything to include, because it's not really save-game related.

A shame, I was looking through finally playing through U7 afeter 8 years of waiting...I suppose I'll wait a bit more for them to get it right.

-(A disappointed) Brian, Playful Dragon
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Re: Voices are high-pitched in BG

Post by Vexblackheart »

I've been playing for a few days and the sound has been perfect.
I downloaded the new snapshot and it totaly screwed up the sound and music. I backed-up the contents of the exult folder cus I was messing with the Studio (which I can't get to work BTW) and reverted. The sound works fine for me again. Maybe you should try an older version?
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Re: Voices are high-pitched in BG

Post by nadir »

Brian, I wouldn't call this a showstopper bug. The team has worked hard to make sure other more important things which affected the plot were fixed in this release. I'm pretty certain that if there is a solution to sound pitch problem, Colourless will implement it. Remember that everything is done in the team's free time, so bear with us please.
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Re: Voices are high-pitched in BG

Post by GPA_Nemesis »

It's not a showstopper, but we're not in the initial stages. If light shading for time of day transitions can be listed in the bug tracker...I think there would be room for this.

We're at a 1.2 RC...1.2 is where the team wanted to stop, before adding enhancements. 1.2 is supposed to be the original game, all bugs fixed. Well, we're an inch from the finish line...the team (who, yes, has done a WONDERFUL job, don't get me wrong) is tweaking minor things like light transitions.

And now I read they've known about this bug for ages, and it's not even mentioned on the tracker?

I've never played U7 before (timing issues), and so I've yet to experience this wonderful world. And a chipmunk guardian ruins the mood as much as playing a polka CD in the background of U7! (No offense to Polka lovers).

That being said, I'm sorry if I came off as harsher then I wanted to be. I love the work done in Exult so far...I'm just more then a little concerned that this is not even being acknowledged as a bug...
-Brian (Playful Dragon)
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Re: Voices are high-pitched in BG

Post by wjp »

> And now I read they've known about this bug for ages, and it's not even mentioned on the tracker?

Then submit it as a bug :-)
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Re: Voices are high-pitched in BG

Post by Colourless »

I've found the problem, which was actually a coding error by me and by chance was only noticed in the Win32 release builds. I'm going to re-release the Win32 build with the problem gone (just needed recompiling without a compile flag specified).

Though due to problems with Sourceforge propagating downloads to the mirrors it may not be downloadable for some time. Anyway, here is a link to the download: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/exul ... e?download
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Re: Voices are high-pitched in BG

Post by Dominus »

You know, the FAQ makes it clear that bug reports to the bug tracker are favoured. That is not written to make extra work for you, it is done so we don't forget bugs. See my first response here for example. Of course I had read the other threads about Guardian on helium but totally forgot this.
We are after all human and "out of sight is out of mind" and posts in the forum disappear to the next page. In the tracker we don't loose sight of it so easily.
Then of course comes the next thing people always disagree here with: priorities. Some developers have different priorities, be it other projects or more important stuff to code in Exult. What more important is, is always for your own to decide...
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Re: Voices are high-pitched in BG

Post by SB-X »

Maybe people played U7 for years with no voices. Had it come down to it (I know, I'm responding here a little late now) you could have just disabled voice, if the high-pitched Guardian was that annoying. Personally I find it amusing :)

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Re: Voices are high-pitched in BG

Post by drcode »

Also note that different developers are on different platforms. Ryan's the expert on Windows, while I'm not even set up to debug there. It's also often the case that the worst problems, like not being able to start the game at all, are impossible for us to deal with because we can't duplicate them.
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Re: Voices are high-pitched in BG

Post by GPA_Nemesis »

Well, the reason I didn't report to the bug tracker was, when the original poster of this thread mentioned it...they were told there was another post on it already. I assumed that to mean you didn't want it on the tracker.

As for Colourless Dragon...you're fired! (jk) :) I'm glad this was fixed...and don't take my original responce the wrong way...I wasn't going nuts because of the bug, but more that...from the responces so far...that it seemed like nobody considered it a bug, and I was afraid it was not going to be fixed...that's all.

If it had been acknowledged originally, when this thread was first created, and the original poster not just told to read another post...and/or this was listed in the bug tracker...I would not have even responded. But if you reread this thread, I think you'll agree it could have sounded like nobody cared about it.

Colourless dispelled that view...thank you. And again I agologize if I came off sounding a bit harsher then I meant to.
-Brian (Playful Dragon)