A current list of Black Gate-specific items that need paperdoll art:

Brown pants (separate male/female versions) [update: done by servus]
Green pants (separate male/female versions) [update: done by servus]
Brownish pants (separate male/female versions) [update: done by servus]
Shoes (separate male/female versions) [update: done by wjp]
Leather collar [update: done by servus]
Dark-brown hood [update: done by servus]
Light-brown hood [update: done by servus]

Main gauche (right hand, left hand and hanging from belt)
Custom sword (right hand and hanging from belt)
Triple crossbow (right hand and hanging from belt) [update: done by wjp]
Musket (right hand and behind back) [update: done by servus]
Musket ammo (in quiver) [update: done by WishStone]
Any art would have to use the 256 colour palette that the .png's in this post have and fit on the Serpent Isle paperdolls. For some of the clothing, this means there have to be separate male and female versions, since the bodies are shaped differently.