OT: Looking for an old game...

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Kagehi Kossori
Posts: 44
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

OT: Looking for an old game...

Post by Kagehi Kossori »

About the time Ultima 4 (I think) was out, there was a game for the Apple II called Wrath of Danethanor or something like that. I don't remember the exact spelling.

At the time it employed a number of inovations that Ultima didn't. For instance, entering a city from a specific direction would result in you appearing on the map on the same side of the city as you entered. There where a number of other minor improvements over what Ultima 4 did as well, but unfortunately the teacher at my highschool, who had both an early version and the production version of the game (it was developed and turned in as the 'final' project in the class by two student), died while I was out of town and the moron that took over the class gave everything in the closet away to the students, since they where switching over to PCs. :( I have been hunting for the dang game ever since.

I figured, *maybe* someone here may have played it and has some clue what company may have published it and if you can still find the game anyplace. I have been wanting to play the bloody thing since the day I saw some other people playing it, the year after the authors graduated, never got the chance though. Sigh...

Re: OT: Looking for an old game...

Post by Candyman »

Was this game ever released commercially?

Since you said it was done by two students in the class, there's a good chance the game may no longer exist. After all, we're talking about 1985 here (when U4 came out), and the Apple II hasn't been around for a while either.

I did a search at MobyGames http://www.mobygames.com/home which is usually a good source for finding information on games, but couldn't find anything that came close.

Good luck.
Armchair Avatar
Posts: 30
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: OT: Looking for an old game...

Post by Armchair Avatar »

I googled for "apple ii" and "wrath of", and look what I found:
Kagehi Kossori
Posts: 44
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: OT: Looking for an old game...

Post by Kagehi Kossori »

Hmm.. Unfortunately, my quest continues. There is no listing for it at Sierra Online and Crim's site only links to a couple walkthroughs. Sigh...
Kagehi Kossori
Posts: 44
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: OT: Looking for an old game...

Post by Kagehi Kossori »

Hmm. Thanks Marc. I tried a search on it that was nearly identical and got exactly nothing. Was beginning to think I had imagined it. lol
Kagehi Kossori
Posts: 44
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: OT: Looking for an old game...

Post by Kagehi Kossori »

Found a place for it. http://www.virtualapple.com/apple2/

Was beginning to wonder if any copy existed where someone could find it. :p

Thanks for the help. Maybe one of these days I or someone else could try porting this game to Exult. lol

Re: OT: Looking for an old game...

Post by Nytegard »

Well, I have a copy of it for the Commodore 64 if you're still interested in the future for a physical copy with instructions, box etc.



If you want to know anything else about it, just ask. Sorry about not responding earlier. I tend not to check sites out that often.
Kagehi Kossori
Posts: 44
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: OT: Looking for an old game...

Post by Kagehi Kossori »

I found a copy. Though I admit, having the instructions would have been nice. I didn't find out that there was a 'disarm trap' command until I got around the last continent and was going after Denethanor himself. Was too busy mapping to think, "gee... maybe I should try the other keys on the keyboard to see what they do." Took me a bit to figure out that i,j,k and m where movement or that you used 'ctrl' with them to attack too. lol Still, I managed to finish it. ;)