Slightly OT - request for alternate Intro for BG

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Slightly OT - request for alternate Intro for BG

Post by Dominus »

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Re: Slightly OT - request for alternate Intro for BG

Post by Andar »

I didn't get it until I turned on the sound! lol

That was ridiculous!
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Re: Slightly OT - request for alternate Intro for BG

Post by drcode »

Heh! I needed a laugh. That was great!

Re: Slightly OT - request for alternate Intro for BG

Post by TdI »

LoL, thats funny. :)

I wonder how they got the lips to synch so good.

Re: Slightly OT - request for alternate Intro for BG

Post by Kensu »

That one's right up there with Darth Vader playing the harmonica...