A couple small bugs...

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A couple small bugs...

Post by Andar »

I've noticed that frequently, two or more guards will spawn in the same spot and be stuck on top of one another shouting "Stand aside!" and "Move on!" It happens in both SI and BG, and in the most recent snapshot.

I've also noticed that sometimes, party and non-party out-of-conversation speech ("I'm hungry," "Ow," and "Stand aside," displays in the upper left corner, instead of over the NPC's head.

I'll post them to the bug tracker, if its not already worked on.

Re: A couple small bugs...

Post by Andar »

Also, I have the Keyring Mod installed. During the quest for Zauriel, while looking for the ingredients or a pre-made Dispel Gem, I got the stingers and spider eggs, then went looking for invisibility dust. I went over to Buc's Den to try the old guy's house to look for pre-made gems.

I ran into an invincible Lich that only attacks the Avatar. Now, I assume the lich is invincible, since I can't even kill it with seven companions and God mode on. I tried casting some spells, then turned on Archwizard mode and tried a few. Nada. I cast Sword Strike, Resurrection, and then Dance. The lich (I think) yelled 'Every body dance now' and cloned himself. Now I have two invincible liches on the island, one is frozen in place inside the hut, and the other wanders aimlessly and seems to ignore everything, even attacks.

Now, during the battle, he turned invisible, and summoned three dragons, if that helps any. ???

Re: A couple small bugs...

Post by Andar »

Not sure what I did, but upon leaving the island stated before, I get a dead freeze in Exult, I end up doing a ctrl-alt-del out. I checked stderr, this is the gist of it, in case it helps anyone:

Line #7 has the wrong section name: characters != version
Line #5 has the wrong section name: bodyshapes != version

Called usecode function 12a with negative number of arguments.
The mod/game was likely compiled with an outdated version of UCC
...(the function changes but the last two lines repeat about fifty times.)

Shape::store_frame: framenum >= frames_size (8 >= 5)

Illegal egg itype: 0

Called usecode function 669 with negative number of arguments.
The mod/game was likely compiled with an outdated version of UCC

Re: A couple small bugs...

Post by Andar »

Okay, never mind the lich. I loaded the game and both copies of him were mortal. So...now I have not two but *four* gems of dispelling. :)


Re: A couple small bugs...

Post by Andar »

Is it relatively common for the companions to walk on water tiles during combat? I ended up with Spark and Shamino walking on the underground lake near Serpent's Hold, which wasn't a big deal, but it looks silly, and it happens a lot, sometimes when getting on the Golden Ankh (but I accidentally ripped the gangplank off with hackmover and didn't save beforehand)
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Re: A couple small bugs...

Post by drcode »

No, they shouldn't ever be walking on water.

Re: A couple small bugs...

Post by Andar »



[edit: fixed images]

Re: A couple small bugs...

Post by Andar »

Durn, I don't see a help topic on images around here, but there are the URLs for the screenies I did.

Re: A couple small bugs...

Post by Tobyn »

Party members walk on water for a long time now, at least since last November for sure, but most probably even before. Should have posted a report, but got distracted... Happens with and without Keyring mod, and with every latest snapshot (from the past few months up to current one).

And while we're at it, the accusation of being a thief while eating food which obviously shouldn't have a valid owner (mentioned in another posting) is really annoying, especially guards appearing in most unlikely locations.

The complaining or leaving companions are also very strange... they didn't object killing some pirates or fighters, and even happily claim their valuable magic armors, bows and so on, but damn you for eating their food. (example: the fighters' camp north of Britain, just across Serpent's Spine. You can kill them, you can take the magic bow/armor, the grapes and carrots on the mat, but never ever touch the food in the basket...)
And the most absurd situation: don't, and I repeat, don't dare eating garlics from your own reagent supply, no matter how hungry you are. Glad they're left out when using the "F" key ;)

BTW: holding back and stacking messages (along with dozens of guards) when the player makes the party eat forbidden fruits until he has closed the final gump isn't really, well, a great means of keeping the player cool... although an immediate closing of gumps when doing immoral stuff might be annoying, too. IMO, the best solution would be to continue U4 tradition - almost everything within towns/buildings is off-limits, but almost everything outside of towns is yours to take, generally speaking. Kind of
defaulting all stuff as unowned, unless marked as owned in special cases like for townsfolk.

Re: A couple small bugs...

Post by Tobyn »

*sigh* I wish there was an edit button... so here's the addendum:

You can easily test the water walking by setting a party member to "Flee" battle mode, then go near a shore and enter combat mode. Also happens a lot when you Hackmove the avatar on/across water and the party doesn't even need to *try* to catch up, they immediately walk to the avatar... over water.

For the latter case, I would expect the behavior they now display after leaving moongates (and which was in the original as well - once you reach a valid position, they come offscreen from all directions, but on a valid path) - which in turn is strange *there* (on leaving moongates, I'd expect a behavior similar to the ALT+T teleporting one).
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Re: A couple small bugs...

Post by drcode »

Thanks. I'll try to fix this in the next few days.
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Re: A couple small bugs...

Post by drcode »

Fixed as of last night. Thanks for pointing this out!

Re: A couple small bugs...

Post by Andar »

Sure, its the least I can do. I'm not a bad coder, once I learn a language (AGS scripting and HTML are the main ones I remember) but I doubt I'd be able to be much help on bug fixes. :)

Re: A couple small bugs...

Post by Philipp »

''And while we're at it, the accusation of being a thief while eating food which obviously shouldn't have a valid owner (mentioned in another posting) is really annoying, especially guards appearing in most unlikely locations.''

Concerning my associations with Ultima 7 it would appear to be a big mistake to adjust the game's ''stolen food'' behaviour. This kind of annoyance simply belongs to U7 and as far as exult is intended to let you play U7, it shouldn't be left out regardless of how stupid it seems. Perhaps the right place for correction could be the keyring patch at the time of it's first major release (that would be something like U7 2.0).