Anyone who wants to make a new Ultima7 expansion

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Withstand the Fury

Re: Anyone who wants to make a new Ultima7 expansion

Post by Withstand the Fury »

I'd be up for helping out on another Ultima spinoff. I like that Shamino idea. I can map, and I can try my hand at artwork as well, now that I'm becoming more friendly with stuff like Fireworks.
Exult_fan #1

Re: Anyone who wants to make a new Ultima7 expansion

Post by Exult_fan #1 »

I'd love to see U8 remade in exult...
That would ROCK!
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Re: Anyone who wants to make a new Ultima7 expansion

Post by Dominus »

there is no jumping in the exult engine. (I know that is not really a bad thing :-))
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Re: Anyone who wants to make a new Ultima7 expansion

Post by Skutarth »

I know it has been mentioned a million times, but how about a U9 replacement for Exult?

Re: Anyone who wants to make a new Ultima7 expansion

Post by Jammet »

How do you actually start/load any of those addons? I know I was gonna finish up the thing putting me into the island thing as a kittycat =^_^=. But how to actually load and use that patch and get to the place once I dowload it?