New Clothes in Si...

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Re: New Clothes in Si...

Post by drcode »

Well, looking at the "Usecode_internal::read_usecode" code, I can now say that it >should< work:-)
Wizardry Dragon
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Re: New Clothes in Si...

Post by Wizardry Dragon »

Similarly, should being the operative word (-:

- Wizardry Dragon
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Re: New Clothes in Si...

Post by artaxerxes »

As mentioned, for si-french, we actually don't play with the ucc source file but with the result of wud, which is almost like raw assembler. The code found on the link I posted above, although stunning in its abilities, is of no use for us in its current form.
The best way I can see how to do something about it would be to use ucc to compile the source and then use wud to decompile it and integrate directly into our patches. Really, I was askingm is there an easier way to do it?
If no, I'll do just that. I had just hoped that ucc might be able to produce a semi-compiled object, like gcc -S does.

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Re: New Clothes in Si...

Post by wjp »

I think compiling and then disassembling is the easiest way.
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Re: New Clothes in Si...

Post by drcode »

Currently, there's no way to output assembly from ucc. You could compile, then run wud to disassemble, though.

But I think there's an easier way: Compile the new functions to a separate file ("ucc -o patch.ucc"), and then append it to the French version ("cat >> usecode").

Of course, it wouldn't be that hard to modify Exult so it reads multiple script files (maybe specified on the command line).


Post by BeLiAL »

Yeah i just looked at the fashionable avatar. good effort and hope it all works well for all parties involved. Ultima is a part of our history that cannot be ignored or surpassed by high powered games and whizzz bang technology. i myself am writting a complete guide to all the ultima games. it is a monolithic task that will take many days of my life. i would appreciate any contributions that can be made. please send any data on any ultima to my email. your contribution will be recognised and properly acknowledged within the text.
Green Bamboo Mystery Peanut
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Re: New Clothes in Si...

Post by Green Bamboo Mystery Peanut »

Sorry, I don't think I'd really have much to contribute, unless you were putting in a section about the Fellowship.

I looked into them heavily because I'm writing an AU-fanfiction- its like Ultima VII's basic story, but it takes place in the near future (not space-age, but still the future, and there's still magic) and it's from the FShip side. I wanted to depart from the norm- "So-and-so in the Future" stories usually end up sucking badly, but hopefully, this turns out differently...

Ultima VII is the only game I know really, really well- I've played the others, but not to that extent. Still, good luck on your work.
Green Bamboo Mystery Peanut
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Re: New Clothes in Si...

Post by Green Bamboo Mystery Peanut »

Hello, everyone! Salutations, and greetings. Time for the semi-annual Fashionable Avatar update! It's like Christmas in July...

Today's Fashionable Avatar update is just a special exposé about Rankin and this wacky bug I found (not the "liqueur" bug).

It's an amusing hodgepodge of screenshots and...other things. You know, the whole project is turning into a hodgepodge...but hey, it's a boredom buster...for me anyway XD.

I'd like to finish the next update soon (there's a preview...making clothes for the new-style dolls is a snap!).
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Re: New Clothes in Si...

Post by drcode »

Hey, that page just gave me an amusing break from work. I'm not sure how they all relate, but I liked:

1. The art and Ultima fanfic.
2. The references to the 70's (We used to live in a house built in the 70's, and one bathroom had an avocado toilet and an orange sink. There was also a shag carpet in one room, and lots of ugly brown panelling on the walls.)
3. The Dr. Who picture. (Isn't the BBC bringing it back soon?)
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Re: New Clothes in Si...

Post by SB-X »

That's the funniest webpage I've seen in a long time. I looked at it before but the new update is even better. At least half of it I don't really understand, but somehow even those parts end up being humorous.
OMG OKTHX!!!!1!! That scrolling banner seems like the punishment you get when you answer the copyright questions incorrectly.
When can I expect the exult disco mod? Also what kind of drugs do you prefer when playing U7?

*bows to you*

Beware the poisoned Crystal Pepsi!
Green Bamboo Mystery Peanut
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Re: New Clothes in Si...

Post by Green Bamboo Mystery Peanut »

I'd have to say my favorite part is the fanfiction...I mean, quality work right there, I should publish. j/k

I collect old catalogues- I have a Sears 1971 and a Wards 1979...they both have one thing in common though- avocado appliances. At my old house, the kitchen floor used to have this amazing avocado green tile with orange accents, and the fridge was goldenrod and yes...there was fake wood paneling on the cabinets. This was the early 80s...I was little, but I definitely remember that "look".

BBC *is* bringing back Doctor Who. From what I've heard, the new series will not have daleks. I guess they've been ex-ter-minated. :(

Ha, a disco mod...that would be pretty cool. It would take up a lot of time, admittedly. I've been working on new furniture...I should make some avocado stuff...shag carpeting. Wa ha ha! Maybe for the next update. Hugs, not drugs! I'd say a lack of sleep is the main "drug". The best stuff comes at 5 AM.

That Rankin is a sneaky character- just remember- if he tries to offer you 10 year-old soft drinks, say NO.

So anyway, the next update will have new clothing. I've made some wonderful outfits, and I've been tweaking the interface look a bit. I'd like to graduate to a new style, but nothing's really working out- comes out wonky in the end so I just go back to the old chibi stuff. I guess it's fine if you like your Ultima "cute". I would also hope to have some more furniture completed....maybe a few houses to show you.

I'm sort of working on "Ultima: Mundane" meaning that instead of weapons, the paperdolls have things like toothbrushes, pens, kitchen utensils, etc. It might be interesting to see those renegade warriors outside of Britain come after you with forks and spanners.

Also, I did have a crazy idea- 365 days of Ultima where every day, I present a new item you can import into your .vga files like an article of clothing or a shape. Maybe if I were more gung-ho...-.-
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Re: New Clothes in Si...

Post by drcode »

Very nice. But I don't know if I'd call 1979 'old', though I guess it is:-(

I read that the reason there won't be Daleks in the new Dr. Who is because the estate of Terry Nation owns the rights, and won't give permission to the BBC. Doesn't matter that much. Monsters that can't climb stairs aren't all that scary.
Pan Sola

Re: New Clothes in Si...

Post by Pan Sola »

Very nice. But I don't know if I'd call 1979 'old', though I guess it is:-(

I was born in 1980... >_<"""
Green Bamboo Mystery Peanut
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Re: New Clothes in Si...

Post by Green Bamboo Mystery Peanut »

Oops! ^^; I didn't mean to imply that 1979 was old. It's actually one of the newer ones I have- I have catalogues from 1908, 1918, 1928 (the first three are repros), 1961, 1971, 1979, 1989, and two from 1992...

Though, the 1979 one officially qualifies as vintage this year. It's quite a scary thought, isn't it?
becky lynn

Re: New Clothes in Si...

Post by becky lynn »

i would like to make some appearance changes on my avatar.
Sissy Knox- not logged in :(

Re: New Clothes in Si...

Post by Sissy Knox- not logged in :( »

Oh my GOODNESS! Mortegro, is that YOU? :o

Ha...get it...necromancer...*rimshot*

If you simply want to change your avatar's look, you can use ipack. It should be in the Exult Tools snapshot (IIRC). Simply download, follow the directions in the instructions that come with the program, extract the graphic you want edited, change it to your liking and re-insert it.

Re: New Clothes in Si...

Post by PanSola »

necromancy... o_O"

almost from one year ago too.
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Re: New Clothes in Si...

Post by drcode »

You can also use ExultStudio if you want a friendlier interface. You'd select a frame, right-click on it, and choose "Export..." to write it out as a .png file. After editing that, you can use "Import.." to bring it back in.
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Re: New Clothes in Si...

Post by marzo »

I must say that one thing ExultStudio is missing is the ability to export all frames of a given shape -- and then import them all back. If you are editing character sprites, that is the ability you need more often...
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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Re: New Clothes in Si...

Post by drcode »

Good idea.
Sissy Knox- not logged in :(

Re: New Clothes in Si...

Post by Sissy Knox- not logged in :( »

I didn't know you could import/export in ExultStudio! Even though it's right there when you right click...o_O

That's totally awesome. See, kiddies look- we learned something from this unduly necromanced thread, after all. Well, actually, YOU all probably knew it already, so *I* learned something. Yay.

Re: New Clothes in Si...

Post by Paladin »

This is great! I never thought you could do so much with the Editor! I gues I have a lot of catching up to do.

And a lot more learning, seeing that I have a tendancy of being slow to learn due to lack of interest, but I'm sure I'll catch on eventually.