Brass Door

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Brass Door

Post by Burzum »

Hello. I played Ultima Serpent Island using Exult 1 year ago. Anyway, I came to this Brass door, and I had the key. The door couldnt be opened, so I couldnt continue the game. I don't remember it so good but Im shure I had came to the north part of the island. Was this a bug or? I really want to play ultima again but I don't know, it's useless if I get stuck in the same place again


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Re: Brass Door

Post by MV »

Are you talking about the huge "east-west facing " double doors in spinebreaker? (Up in the northern wastes).

If so, you cannot open them.
Chris Schumacher

Re: Brass Door

Post by Chris Schumacher »

You mean the giant brass doors in Spinebreaker? (or is it Skullcrusher?)
You need to use a powder keg to blow a hole in them. It's extremely important to note that Explosion will NOT do the job. If you haven't solved
the powder keg plot in Montor, do so now. Powder Kegs are rather hard
to come by in SI.
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Re: Brass Door

Post by marzo »

The brass doors are in the Skullcrusher mountains.

And there is no need to do the Monitor quest to get powder kegs: there are two powder kegs right there in the Skullcrusher, at the north end of the room in the southeast of the Skullcrusher mountains (just south of the unbreakable brass doors), below a bottle and a candle.

Also, if you have SS, then powder kegs are not at all rare; there is a false iron maiden in the SE corner of the Abandoned Outpost which leads to a room with 9 podwer kegs (it is the rightmost iron maiden); just double-click it and you will get there.
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
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Re: Brass Door

Post by Dominus »

not to mention the atomic "powder" kegs found in some places you can get to by using cetain teleporters...
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Re: Brass Door

Post by Achile »

BTW don't blow up the east brass door, there nothing there (unless exult team have hide something there who know ;))
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Re: Brass Door

Post by Belial »

I Agree... there is no point behind opening the Brass door
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Re: Brass Door

Post by irinotecan »

You know, for the longest time, I thought that fireballs from the firedoom staff and the delayed explosion spell did the same amount of damage as powder kegs. I could always count on those two to blow out normal doors, so I thought for the longest time that those brass doors were "indestructable", and that I either never found the right key, or there was just nothing to do behind them.

Needless to say, when I finally found out the true worth of powder kegs.... grrr..... :)
Neutronium Dragon

Re: Brass Door

Post by Neutronium Dragon »

Actually, I seem to recall finding a unique book behind those east-west brass doors when I hackmoved past them, way back in 1993. Maybe it was just a rare one, though.

I do remember that it ended in a hallway with stairs that linked to an unfinished area, though.

Neutronium Dragon