The bane takes all..

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The bane takes all..

Post by Achiledragon »

When the bane disapear after the death of Batlin (in the most recent snapshot (april 2008)), no Iolo, Shamino and Dupré inventories dosen't appear on the ground. I suspect that the bane take their counter-side inventories.

Strange behaviour
Malignant Manor
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Re: The bane takes all..

Post by Malignant Manor »

I can't repeat this bug. I keep getting the normal all items out of the container/s and on the ground. Is this happening every time?

Re: The bane takes all..

Post by Achiledragon »

Yes it is

Re: The bane takes all..

Post by Achiledragon »

I forgot to say that I use Serpent isle Fixes module
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Re: The bane takes all..

Post by MeddlingMonk »

It's not a bug, just different. I think it's a part of SI Fixes (Marzo will correct me if I'm wrong). Iolo, Shamino and Dupre have retained their inventories. Nothing has been lost and when you kill them you'll see it for yourself.
Malignant Manor
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Re: The bane takes all..

Post by Malignant Manor »

I just did a quick test with SI Fixes and the inventory is indeed on the corpses of the bane possessed companions.

Re: The bane takes all..

Post by Achiledragon »

Other Bug, the missiles stuff (you know the little purple thunder) crash my games. Try it in the temple of discipline near the statue

Re: The bane takes all..

Post by Paulon »

While it's logical for the Banes to run off with the character's equipment, it's also at least potentially gamebreaking. For example, what happens if Dupre is acting as packhorse and carrying the Flux Analyser? Or Philanderer's Friend? Both of those items are free to be picked up, and are needed for actions between the death of Batlin and the confrontation with the Banes.

And of course there's the need to track the Companions using the Hound of Doskarr to trace their items. If Dupre is carrying his shield, Shamino that book from Beatrice, and Iolo his lute at the Wall of Lights, then the game is broken when it comes to that event if the items stay with the Banes instead of being dropped.

There are good arguments for both dropping all the items and for letting the Banes carry them off, but for a player avoiding the ingame problems with the latter involves a prior knowledge of the game plot and the requirement to metagame the character inventory.

Re: The bane takes all..

Post by Achiledragon »

Well for a workaround, I drop all the items on the ground before the bane possesed my companion. But in the original, the companions (possesed with the banes) drop their items.
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Re: The bane takes all..

Post by marzo »

It's not a bug, just different.
It is actually a bug; what *should* be happening is the equipment being dropped to the ground but not out of their containers (that is, the backpack with everything on it is dropped as a unit). Since it worked in earlier versions of Exult, maybe some recent change broke it.
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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Re: The bane takes all..

Post by Achiledragon »

BTW, the missile stuff crash my games too.
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Re: The bane takes all..

Post by drcode »

I hope the recent changes I made for detecting "blocking" weren't the problem...

Re: The bane takes all..

Post by EarthquakeDamage »

"If Dupre is carrying his shield, Shamino that book from Beatrice, and Iolo his lute at the Wall of Lights"

Holy @!#$! The hound can track those things?! In all my years playing these games, I never discovered that. Wow...