Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

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Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by MokahTGS »

I just read a funny thread about the gold limit bug and got thinking about this:

How much gold is there in Ultima 7?

Let me clarify this by saying, I'm not talking about gold you can earn, make, generate from quests, or create with spells. I'm talking about gold that you find lying around in the game.

Anyone know?

How about gems?

Gold Bars?

So now I'm curious and am going to start a new game with a chest strictly for "found" gold and see for myself.

Feel free to join me in the hunt.
The Grumpy Strumpet

Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by PanSola »

might want to separate the count of "inaccessable" gold/gems (the ones in the cheat rooms) from the regular count while you are at it (-:

this is a quest worthy of an avatar indeed!
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by Colourless »

Avatar the Britannian Tax Council has an important mission for you. You are to go around Britannia and collect up all the lost gold and return it.
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by Dominus »

make that more than one chest :-)
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by Bomb Bloke »

(Which holds more - crates or chests?)
You're just jealous 'cause the voices only talk to me. :P
Trevor_Clim (damn login)

Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by Trevor_Clim (damn login) »

what about some GUESSING (ESTIMATION, APPRAISAL, whatever ;)) ??? :D

I guess following:

In whole Britannia lies a gold value arround (gems, nuggets, included) of 96701 gold :D

what do you guess?

the winner, who is closest to the actual value has to win something!!! but what? :D

Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by MV »

(Which holds more - crates or chests?)
Barrels. :)
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by artaxerxes »

every Exult forum member who wishes can participate in the Next Quest:
collect every gold coins, gold bars, gem from BG and/or SI and the winner is the one who can produce the highest number.

Of course, to prevent cheating, a log file must be produced to indicate where the money comes from and how much it was.

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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by MokahTGS »

In an effort to keep things sane, here are some guidelines:

Loot = Gold, Gold Bars, Gems, and Jewelry*
*Jewelry includes rings, necklaces, earrings (Gargoyle or Human)

1) Loot cannot be generated treasure. (eg. Treasure that is given to you via quests, tasks, errands, in-game scripting, etc.)

2) Loot only counts if you can pick it up and haul it to your treasure room. Picking up is only legal if it is done the old fashioned way and not with Hak Mover utilities or cheats.

3) You may not use any cheat code/teleportation utility that is outside of the core game. If you could get to the loot in the original non-exult era game, then it counts.

4) All loot must be accounted for in a log of where it was obtained and then brought to a treasure room for storage (and for picture taking).

5) Please submit a picture of your treasure room when you are finished so that we may all marvel at your amassed booty.

6) Separate counts should be made for Gold, Gold Bars, Gems, and Jewelry

7) Games include The Black Gate and Forge of Virtue. A separate contest should be held for Serpent Isle and The Silver Seed.

Basically the person with the highest legal count wins.

Let the fun begin!
The Grumpy Strumpet

Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by PanSola »

3) You may not use any cheat code/teleportation utility that is outside of the core game. If you could get to the loot in the original non-exult era game, then it counts.

Ehh... a teleportation cheat *was* in the original non-exult era game... and it is ambiguous if you counted as the "core" game.

I personally think it cannot be used, but another reading of the rule can be interpreted otherwise.

Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by PanSola »

Also, looting off corpse is obvious whether it's generated or not...

There are some generated NPCs that give gold when you kill them, and there are some static NPCs that carry gold as well I think.

To avoid abiguity, should we add the following?

Looting off corpse is only allowed if the corpse belongs to a NPC that has a real in-game name (not just "Guard", "Gargoyal", "Mage", "Liche" etc).
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by Dominus »

looting corpses of NPCs/Monsters should not be allowed. Only "real" corpses like skeletons should count as treasure.
Of course the whole thing mostly depends on the participants virtue :-)
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by Gradilla Dragon »

Dominus, regarding the participants' virtue, I guess that's what point 4 was made for.
- Gradilla Dragon

Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by Paulon »

I suppose use of False Coin in SI would be forbidden too? ;-)
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by SB-X »

I suppose playing at the Game Hall in BG would be forbidden too? ;-)

Probably shouldn't allow killing of anything and taking its gold. Only looting of corpses already lying around somewhere is allowed.

What's the rule on selling things? I see exploitation since NPCs generate gold.

Mmm... amassed booty.

Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by PanSola »

sellling involves the script, so it's already disallowed.

same with flaming pikemen d-:
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by MokahTGS »

Ok, since I started the thread, I'm going to take the ruling authority on these questions just so we're all on the same page:

Loot on Monsters/NPCs: The original thought was for "found" loot, meaning loot that was picked up off of the ground or a container. Loot taken from a killed NPC or from a live NPC via any other means is not legal as it could be generated via in game scripting and that would be a violation of rule #1.

Container = Box, bag, crate, chest, any furniture, placed corpse, or anything that is not living or was once living.

Teleportation cheat: This is very clear and not ambiguous at all. If you can get to it by walking and not typing in a cheat code then it counts. There is an in-game cheat menu that cannot be used then by following rule #3. That does not mean that you couldn't use the teleportation room found in the game by stacking boxes.

Selling items or killing monsters for gold: See above points or read rule #1. Any gold generated via a game or a conversation would be done with a script and disallowed by this rule.

Just make sure you log every loot item and you'll have no worries since then we can all see how you got it and weather it is legal or not.

SI Loot or spells: The spell Create Gold would create loot via a script and would be disallowed under rule #1. SI loot doesn't count as it isn't from The Black Gate and will fit into another trivia contest. You've got four currencies in that one!!
The Grumpy Strumpet
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by marzo »

The first submission is here ;-)

The totals I got:
7383 gold pieces
77 gems
76 gold nuggets
73 gold bars
66 gargoyle jewelry
20 rings
19 rings of regeneration
18 amulets
15 rings of invisibility
11 rings of protection
1 ethereal ring

The log file: http://www.geocities.com/marzojr/TreasureLog.txt

The treasure room (has a little more treasure than the count; see the log for details): Image
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by MokahTGS »

Great first entry! I would have included the Trinsic Treasure Room, as you can get to it without cheating. Just lots of box stacking.
The Grumpy Strumpet
Tristan de Inés

Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by Tristan de Inés »

Iolo: "By the virtues! Didst thou just feel that?"

Avatar: "Feel what?"

Iolo: "I'm sure I felt some kind of rumble!"

Spark: "I didn't feel anything."

Iolo: "You! Get down from that dragon statue! ... By Lord British! I felt it again!"

Shamino: "Oh, oh. Methinks I also felt the ground wobble abit. Avatar, maybe we should dispose of some of this treasure?"

Iolo: "I told you this island was unstable!"

Avatar: "No way anybody touches my treasure!"


*Spark falls off dragon*

Spark: "Ouch!"

Iolo: "The Island is sinking!"

Shamino: "Quick! Let's get on the ship!"

Avatar: "No way I'm leaving the treasure behind."

Dupre: "I need a drink."

Shamino: "Avatar! We have too much gold! At least help me throw these gold bars into the sea!"

Avatar: "Touch those and thou are a dead man."


Iolo: "This is the end! I'm too old for this! Why did I ever join the party? GWENNOOOO!!!"


Shamino: "To the ship!"

Iolo: "RUN!"

Avatar: "No way I'm moving from this spot."

*party without Avatar runs to the beach to reach the ship anchored there*

Dupre: "Ouch, my belly hurts! I can't run this fast! I need a drink!"

*party boards ship*

Iolo: "Avatar! Come quickly! Thou shallst drown!"

Avatar: "No way I'm leaving the treasure."


Dupre: "I need a drink real fast."

Iolo: "What? The..."

Shamino: "I can't believe this..."

*Iolo and Shamino stare at Dupre*

Dupre: "What??? Big warriors have big bellies to fill!"

Avatar: "Feeble, pathetic cowards..."
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by Colourless »

My opinion is crate stacking is not acceptable for gathering loot. And cheat rooms are also not allowed.
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by SB-X »

The Trinsic treasure room IS a cheat. Whether or not it is acceptable for this quest may be another thing, but in the normal game it is.
Gradilla Dragon
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by Gradilla Dragon »

The rules for this trivia say if you can get there with the engine's cheats disabled, then it's fine. Thus the cheat rooms are allowed in this trivia.
- Gradilla Dragon

Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by PanSola »

as long as the log file is kept, we can differentiate how much treasure is gathered from the cheat room. Then we can just deduct it manually if we want to do a no-cheat-room compare.
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by MokahTGS »

I have already ruled on the Trinsic Cheat Room.

Since you can get there just by stacking crates it is no different then any other treasure room in the game. Therefore it is legal.
The Grumpy Strumpet
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by marzo »

For the record, the Trinsic Cheat Room (TCR) has 1100gp, 16 rings of protection, 8 rings of regeneration, 8 rings of invisibility, 1 gargoyle jewelry and 1 ethereal ring, while the Skara Brae Crypt (SBC) has 2 rings of protection, 1 ring of regeneration, 1 ring of invisibility and 1 wedding ring.

It is not like they make a huge difference... but in any case, sign me up for the "no cheat" contest :-)

To Mokah: it is true that you can get to the TCR just by stacking crates; but it also requires that you *know* it is there. If I didn't already knew it was there, I would never try that. The SBC, on the other hand, is more of a gray area in that you can see the lever (although barely).
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by MokahTGS »

The crazy thing is I actually found this room when I played through the game back in the day. I stacked crates all over the place trying to get over the city wall to circumvent the gate password.

I did this in Ultima 6 as well to get to lots of interesting places. Being creative is not cheating.

You would not believe all the things I've tried in Ultima games...
The Grumpy Strumpet

Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by Warder »

Any room that contains duplicates of plot items is a cheat room
Gradilla Dragon
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by Gradilla Dragon »

Warder, that's not the point. The point is you can get there through an ordinary teleporter, even if it's hidden, even if it's a cheat room. You can get there, thus it's legal for the trivia.
- Gradilla Dragon
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by Dominus »

and really, since it is mokah's rules SHE has the last word.

[Edit: Oops, sorry :)]
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by MokahTGS »

Yes, SHE does.


Sheesh people...don't despute every little thing. Just find that gold!!
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by Colourless »

Hehe. :-)

*points at first post*
The Grumpy Strumpet
Implies female....

Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by Warder »

Hey, I know about the rules for the trivia, I was just clarifying on what rooms are cheat rooms and not. :P
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by SB-X »

Anyone else going to post?
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by marzo »

And now, for SI:

"Clean" total:
1256 monetari
3086 gold pieces
1066 guilders
1453 filari
97 gems
84 gold nuggets
61 gold bars
30 jewelry
10 rings of invisibility
8 necklaces
5 rings of regeneration
2 amulets of protection

"Cheat Rooms" total:
1256 monetari
3086 gold pieces
1066 guilders
1653 filari
97 gems
84 gold nuggets
61 gold bars
30 jewelry
10 rings of invisibility
9 necklaces
5 rings of regeneration
2 amulets of protection

Log file: [ur]http://www.geocities.com/marzojr/TreasureLogSI.txt[/url]

The treasure room (for the "Clean" toal; as before, the total in the screenshot is slightly different from the totals above and the difference is explained in the log file):
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by RazorBlade »

Wow, I'm really impressed!

Those pics remind me of my treasure gathering days in SI, I put everything I found worthy on the serpent gate room(what was it called again?) I always was afraid it would kill my safegame one day, because of too many items. Wish back then I had known how to make screenshots in dos games :) I not only put gold and jewels there, but also all glowy equipment (aka magic.)

I don't think lots of games made me do useless stuff like that, except perhaps star wars galaxies or Ultima 8 ...
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by Belial »

Well done! the quest has been fulfilled... but what now Avatar! HAHAHAHA
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by SB-X »

If nobody else comes forward...

Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by Char »

Haha, that reminds me of the house I had in BG. I used the Britain shipwright's house (after he had an 'accident' of course)...

I had like every puchasable boat docked outside forming a huge pier into the ocean, the carrage parked in the garage outside, and a landing zone for the magic carpet marked off with lanterns and candles. Cannons of course guarded the exterior.

The house was full of piles treasure every interesting item in the game. Anything that glowed, moved, made a sound, or was unique in some way I swiped and put into the house.

I even went so far as to take 8 matching chairs and arrange them into a "board room" for Avatar and the party. Aligning them with the shipwright's desk. The desk had a quill, the extra map of Britannia, and a book - the title of which was something about "How to Conquer Britannia" or something if I remember right. Oh, and a crate of booze next to his chair.

Good times :)

Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by PanSola »

"Anything that... moved, made a sound... I swiped and put into the house."

whoa you built your personal harlem!
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by terok00001 »

im starting my own expedition..
my own rules: any gold that starts out in the game, whether its accessable with or without hack mover; any gold i happen upon on a monster(since it would only be 50 gold or so), or in a chest/backpack in a monster spawning ground; all gems and gold nuggets will be sold, and added to the gold collection.
hehe, im also taking Char's idea of using the Britiain Shipwright. i never thought about how useful it would be for storing boats. and Char you should post a screenshot or two of your conquests!
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by terok00001 »

8000 gold coins so far... though i messed up and acidentally exchanged half my gold bars in the process of exchanging the nuggets... BY the way... whats with the pile of 103 gold in skara brae? ive always wondered about that..
Consequence Dragon

Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by Consequence Dragon »

Wow. You all have WAY too much time on your hands. :)

Nice job nonetheless!

Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by lonewolf40kursk »

Gold? How can I give a damn about gold or a gold hunt when my own pocket is with a hole? I don't want to be sound challenging here, but I guess you guys should try to be a good Avatar by not using money all the time. Have you people tried those? Finish BG/FOV and SI/SS with the most minimal gold you people could gather. You know, joining in a gold hunt is none Avatar-like don't you think so?

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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by Dominus »

why? it's just a quest and it's not like we want to spend it. It's just a mean to keep the economy of Brittania stable.
And goldwise you really don't need much anyway in the two games.
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by terok00001 »

all i ever spend gold on is boats, magic bows, and halberds. everything else is pretty abundant without having to pay for it
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Re: Ultima Trivia - How much gold is there?

Post by terok00001 »

well, magic bows and halberds are abundant too, but theyre only sold in a few places