Cosmetic Bugs

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Tristan de Inés

Cosmetic Bugs

Post by Tristan de Inés »

The shedules (Ver. Pace) (Hor. Pace) look a bit silly. In the original, it works like this:

1. Walk straight ahead until you encounter an obstacle.
2. turn 90 degrees.
3. turn 90 degrees (same direction as 2)
4. repeat 1.

This all happens in a decent time frame, so you can see the guard turn around.

In Exult, it looks more like this:

1. Walk straight ahead until you encounter an obstacle.
2. IMMEDIATELY turn 180 degrees and keep walking. No time to waste in this corner!
3. Walk up to the obstacle on the other end.
4. Stare at the wall for 5 minutes (take a pee? I don't know??)
5. Turn 180 degrees and repeat 1.

(look at the guard on the east gate of Trinsic, right after starting BG)

In Black Gate:
Enter the dungeon at 0067-1430 (base10).
Take the second passage leading north.
It's spawning cows! Cows, in a dungeon? I loaded the original, no cows there.

I thought this is really weird, since I thought that eggs are handled by usecode and that Exult didn't change the usecode, but I swear it's spawning cows in there!


Combat animation still isn't right. There are three frames when striking with a weapon.
1: NPC holding weapon behind his back
2: NPC holding weapon sideways.
3: NPC holding the weapon forward (dishing out)

Exult uses the normal weapon frame (where the weapon points upward) for frames 1 and 2, and the "striking" weapon frame only for frame 3. It should be the "striking" weapon frame for 1. and 2. as well.

After doing the Test of Virtue and being Uber-Avatar, I remember the Avatar sometimes striking faster with only two frames. Namely number 1. and 3. This was kindof cool, since it looked as if he swinged the weapon above his head.


I set the time to 23 h in BG and the NPC shedules didn't seem to change. People where still baking bread, selling stuff in their shops, and the tavern was empty.


After breaking the glass tops in the weapons store (and the owner calling the guards), the guard asked me to surrender, but didn't bother to attack me when I refused. The owner attacked me, but I could easily run away, since the "run" arrow wasn't disabled (as it should in "danger" areas).

Re: Cosmetic Bugs

Post by PanSola »

i thought run is only disabled in combat. If you are in non-combat mode, you can run whether it's dangerous or not.

At least that's my memory from playing the old SI without exult.
Tristan de Inés

Re: Cosmetic Bugs

Post by Tristan de Inés »

There are three speeds in normal, non-combat mode. Short arrow, normal arrow and long arrow. The long arrow should be disabled whenever danger is near. I'm absolutely positive about this one. Otherwise you could always evade fights.

I just noticed something else. Does Exult take weapon ranges into consideration? I could avoid getting hit by a guard wielding a sword by always moving one tile further away before his sword hits me. I think a sword should have a range of 2 tiles. Broadsword had 3, Halberd had 4. (I think)
Tristan de Inés

Re: Cosmetic Bugs

Post by Tristan de Inés »

Exult doesn't allow lighting light sources (candles, torches) inside containers, but it allows putting lit light sources (a burning torch) into containers.
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Re: Cosmetic Bugs

Post by drcode »

Yes, running should be disabled when enemies are near, and Exult has done that for a long time. Looks like we aren't doing it in the case you described,though.

We do take weapon ranges (from 'weapons.dat') into consideration.

I'll take a look at the vert/horiz. schedules and the weapon-strike frames.

And as for the cows... I'll try to duplicate this, because it's something I've never seen. You're right, in that we just do what the eggs tell us to.

Re: Cosmetic Bugs

Post by mightydog »

When you tried the time chane to hour 23, no one has a schedule change at that time so they will continue doing what they were doing untill they hit an exact time that a schedule change happens.

In other words, if you change the time to being in the middle of a schedule change the NPC won't perform that schedule since you skipped the time when it was set to start.
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Re: Cosmetic Bugs

Post by wjp »

That's a risk of cheating...
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Re: Cosmetic Bugs

Post by drcode »

I think the original's time-cheat did cause the NPC's to change schedules, though. But it doesn't seem like a high-priority feature to me.
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Re: Cosmetic Bugs

Post by eris »

The cows in the Dungeon are not supposed to be there? I never knew! (I first played the game with Exult.) I actually found the cows to be somewhat amusing, because at the time my party was already a bit low on hit points and healing magic, so those cows turned out to be killers and I wound up fleeing! I got a kick out of the thought that the mighty Avatar had been put to shame by Mad Cows.

Tristan de Inés

Re: Cosmetic Bugs

Post by Tristan de Inés »

I think the change time "cheat" is rather useful for "debugging". In my case, I wanted to see how the other shedules work, thats why I wanted to change the time to 23h and teleport into a tavern.

It think this is a rather useful feature for people making their own worlds. Of course, you could always set the time just one minute before shedule changes, but not everyone knows this, so you're probably just going to hear it again from other people.

> I got a kick out of the thought that the mighty Avatar had been put to shame by Mad Cows.

We could introduce Exults, very own "Cow Level".

> We do take weapon ranges (from 'weapons.dat') into consideration.

Then a sword has only a range of 1? Thats strange. It should have more range than a dagger or mace.
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Re: Cosmetic Bugs

Post by drcode »

I think a 2-handed sword has a range of 2.
Chris Schumacher

Re: Cosmetic Bugs

Post by Chris Schumacher »

You know that's odd, because I was able to outrun enemies all the time in
the original games...
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Re: Cosmetic Bugs

Post by Colourless »

Movement speed in combat was supposed to be determined by Dexerity

Cosmetic Bugs

Post by Ramya »

What is cometic bugs and latent bug?
Tristan de Inés

Re: Cosmetic Bugs

Post by Tristan de Inés »

A cosmetic bug is an error in the program that doesn't affect game logic or that isn't really important to gameplay, being instead some kind of graphical weirdness or otherwise affecting graphical output in a way that isn't right.

A latent bug is an error that isn't easily recognized as such. It may sit around hiding in some dark corner of your program for ages, until something very specific happens that sets it off and then everything goes boom.