Serpent Gates

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Serpent Gates

Post by Andres »

I'm playing SI, and I just got to the place where I get the serpent jawbone and the four teeth. I can't use the serpent gates by double click, I'm missing something?

Re: Serpent Gates

Post by MV »

Put the teeth into the jawbone, remove the teeth, then put them back in. The gate should now work.

You have to do that with every new tooth, put it in, take it out, and put it in again. Just make sure you watch to see which space it fills when you put a new tooth in so you only have to take out/put in that one instead of doing them all.
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Re: Serpent Gates

Post by Dominus »

huh? Is this a bug with Exult?
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Re: Serpent Gates

Post by Colourless »

If it is, why hasn't it been reported before!
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Re: Serpent Gates

Post by SB-X »

Never experienced it myself. If you're talking about the actual serpent gates, shouldn't they work whether or not you have any teeth? The teeth only make the doors between serpent gates open, and you don't have to double-click those.
Neutronium Dragon

Re: Serpent Gates

Post by Neutronium Dragon »

I believe that you have to have at least one tooth in the jawbone in order to get the gates to work. (Which is presumably a precaution to make sure that someone doesn't trap themselves on the Dark Path.)

Neutronium Dragon