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Thank you!

Post by BostonJeff »

Hi all

I just wanted to say thank you so much for this software.

I purchased Ultima VII, the Complete CD version, off eBay (as well as Wing Commander 3 and 4) because I loved these games back in the day. Being almost 40 years old now, playing Ultima VII has just been such a wonderful thing - it's awesome :) I was concered about getting the game to run, and stumbled across this page, and it works perfectly on my work laptop with Exult :) Yes there are new, wondrous games out there with amazing graphics - but nothing comes close to this game for storyline, depth and fun (except maybe the old Bards Tales and Forgotten Realms 5.25" games, lol).

Anyway - please.. accept my thanks and if there's anything I can do to assist let me know.

Jeff J.
Federal Reserve Bank
Boston, MA

Re: Thank you!

Post by MV »

Dear Federal Reserve Bank of Boston,

One of your employees ( Jeff J ), is playing games all day at work.


Regards, MV.
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Re: Thank you!

Post by drcode »

Thanks! Hope you also can get the Wing-Commander games going, perhaps in DOSBOX. I may give that a try sometime.

So... don't suppose you could tell us where interest-rates are going? :-)

Re: Thank you!

Post by lyn »

I want to add my thanks,too.I have owned Ultima 7,plus the addons,plus Serpent Isle,since they first came out.I have KEPT my 486/266 pc because l thought l`d never be able to play these any other way.Well,loaded the games,added your program,and WOW-the Black Gate is playing BETTER than ever it did,and the music and sfx are fantastic.This is on a Celeron 700 with a 3dfx 5500 3d card.So get lost Lara Croft,l`m going adventuring with my hero of olden times again,the Avatar.Thank-you from the bottom of my heart.Fantastic,marvelous program.Exultations!

Re: Thank you!

Post by SteveLord »

i jus came back from a year long deployment. i got that craving to play Ultima 7 and knew the existence of Exult.

after getting a copy from ebay, i am delighted to be playing it again...and on my laptop too. i remember Ultima Exodus from NES when i was like 8 years old. played that, quest of the avatar on NES, U6, underworld games, didnt like Pagan and knew better than to even attempt U9.

i might try the Underworld games again too. how is DOSBox?
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Re: Thank you!

Post by artaxerxes »

both underworlds are fully playable with Dosbox. Music and all.

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Re: Thank you!

Post by Dominus »

and with a Roland MT-32 you get perfect music and sfx with Dosbox, too. Only recently I aquired a MT-32 and for the first time could play the Underworlds with perfect SFX and music.
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Re: Thank you!

Post by MV »

I've been after an MT-32 for so long...... Is it really that great? How does it compare to the midi of an awe64 gold? (Which I do have).
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Re: Thank you!

Post by Dominus »

it's not compareable. To have it behave close you'd need a soundfont similar to the MT-32 but those are to big for the AWE64 and it'd still not be the same, especially regarding sfx.
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Gradilla Dragon
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Re: Thank you!

Post by Gradilla Dragon »

and most games that use the MT-32 send system-exclusive messages to set parameters, modify the sounds and stuff. An AWE64 doesn't support those.
- Gradilla Dragon

Re: Thank you!

Post by MV »

Ok, thanks. The elusive search continues for a mt-32.......
Tristan de Inés

Re: Thank you!

Post by Tristan de Inés »

>both underworlds are fully playable with Dosbox. Music and all.

Holy crap! I have to try this out, like right now. I never finished Laberynth of Worlds.
Tristan de Inés

Re: Thank you!

Post by Tristan de Inés »

Okay, well, I tried it...., and... it works. :))

So much for going to bed early.
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Re: Thank you!

Post by Colourless »

Ok, thanks. The elusive search continues for a mt-32.......
Just use EBay