No snapshot anymore

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No snapshot anymore

Post by Achile »

Since the end of august, there no snapshot of the version 1.4 anymore. Does the project is over.
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Re: No snapshot anymore

Post by Dominus »

No. But real life takes its toll :)
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Tristan de Inés

Re: No snapshot anymore

Post by Tristan de Inés »

I thought programmers aren't allowed to have a real life.
And all social interaction is restricted to chat rooms and forums.

By order of the all mighty deadline.

Re: No snapshot anymore

Post by Achile »

Ah well, I understand

Anyway I can't play in 320x240 anymore

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Re: No snapshot anymore

Post by drcode »

When did it stop working for you. I didn't know there'd been any code updates in the last few days. Let me get the latest and compile it...
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Re: No snapshot anymore

Post by drcode »

Seems okay here, and there haven't been any changes in about a month.

Anyway, work goes in spurts, and I can't think of anything important to work on at the moment. I'd like to help out anyone doing an original game or a major mod.
Crysta the Elf
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Re: No snapshot anymore

Post by Crysta the Elf »

well, seems like now would be the perfect time to finish putting my sprites in :P
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Re: No snapshot anymore

Post by Colourless »

If exult stops working at a specific resolution for you, then the problem is going to be your system. In particular your graphics card drivers.