Lord British is in Space!

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Lord British is in Space!

Post by TDI »

right now.

http://edition.cnn.com/2008/TECH/space/ ... index.html

A dream comes true.
Lets wish him a great sojourn on the ISS and a safe return.

Re: Lord British is in Space!

Post by Herben »

I've been following this for a while now. Let's hope he crashes into a Savage Empire rather than the crap we call Earth. ;)

Re: Lord British is in Space!

Post by Niall »

And hopefully not the world of Pagan where nobody has heard of the Avatar....
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Re: Lord British is in Space!

Post by drcode »

Uh, oh... I'm having bad flashbacks from trying to land the spacecraft in Ultima 1.:-)

Then there's the Kilrathi to worry about.
Earthquake Damage

Re: Lord British is in Space!

Post by Earthquake Damage »

We always knew he was a space cadet, but damn did he make great games! :)
Skutarth (not logged in)

Re: Lord British is in Space!

Post by Skutarth (not logged in) »

He has returned safely. Thank god.
Saw it this morning on my local news.

Re: Lord British is in Space!

Post by Dantec »

Wow. You know, I didn't know it was RG. When I saw his face, I thought, hang on a minute, that guy looks familiar!