New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

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New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by LinkDragon »

I was fiddling around with the cheats and noticed that certain NPCs use different paperdolls, rather than the default paperdoll that I recall them using in much older versions of Exult, and the original U7 Black Gate/Serpent Isle. I have Exult Studio, though I've barely used it. How would I go about adding new shapes for specific NPCs?

Here's what I made for Lord British..

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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by marzo »

To add it: In BG, create a paperdol.vga file (File -> New... -> Shapes file...) and put it in patch dir (if there isn't one there already). After this is done, import the face (which you want to make sure uses the U7 palette) into this file (to import: select the file in the left panel, then right-click anywhere in the shapes list to the right; select "New shape" type the shape number you want and click OK. Then select the new shape, right click it and select "Import frame" and browse for the png). You will want to make sure it is shape 300 or more to avoid conflicts with the paperdoll data used. Make a note of the shape number you used, it will be needed later.

You may also want to make a second version of the image to be used with helmets; this second image should be imported as frame 1 of the same paperdoll shape you imported (create a second frame for the shape, select it using the "Frame" spin button in the lower right, and import as above).

Save the paperdol.vga file. Now you can use it in game; you just have to set it up to be used. As an example, go to Iolo's shape in 'shapes.vga' and double-click it. At the bottom, there is a checked box named "NPC Paperdoll", and there is a tab with the same name. Click the tab. Write down the data from Iolo from all fields except for "Shape" in "Paperdoll head".

Now go to Lord British's shape and double-click it. In BG, he should already have some paperdoll information; in SI, you will have to click the "NPC Paperdoll" box at the bottom so that the tab will appear. Put in all the data you wrote down from Iolo. In the "Shape" field in "Paperdoll head", you will write the shape number in paperdol.vga which you imported above. If you haven't made a second version for helmets, set the "Helm Frame" field in "Paperdoll head" equal to "Frame" in the same section. Click OK, then save the data (File -> Save... -> Shape info).Restart Exult and Lord British should be using his new face in the paperdoll gump and in the toolbar, if you add him to the party.
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by LinkDragon »

Thank you very much. I understand how Exult Studio works much better now thanks to that bit of help, too.

Here's the completed paperdoll:

I'm thinking about creating a third child paperdoll for Spark, though I can see I would need to redraw a lot of things. At the very least, Spark, along with a few other characters (Iolo, maybe even Shamino) should just NOT be as ripped and muscular as the Avatar, Dupre, etc.

When I was messing with the paperdoll shapes and frames for various things, I noticed I could give them the arms from the female paperdoll, but I couldn't figure out how to get the paperdoll to use the female arms when wearing armor, too. It would just revert back to the male arms.

Well, I want to make more paperdoll heads, but I can't decide who to make, so if anyone out there wants me to make a head for any other NPC, just leave a suggestion here.

Thank you again, Marzo. :)
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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by marzo »

Armor arm frames are coded to use female arms for female characters and male arms for male characters. Also, there is currently no way to display different weapon/armor/etc art for a given character. If anyone does custom art for weapons/armor/etc for Spark, I'll happily code it in.
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by LinkDragon »

If I made the paperdoll for Spark shorter, something a bit more similar to his BG paperdoll, you'd be able to code in things such as weapons in their right X Y coordinates, correct? And if I understand correctly, currently paperdolls are determined by gender, so, other than adding a "new gender" to allow for paperdolls that aren't as muscular, would it be possible to code in body types for genders?

Hm, and I was going to ask if you could put some code together so I at least had something to work with to gauge how things look in BG as I work simultaneously, but I suppose I could just create a virtual paperdoll in Photoshop with a few layers.

Anyways, thanks a lot. I'm going to see what I can whip up.
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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by LinkDragon »

Alright, this is obviously a work in progress, but I'm curious about what you think of it.

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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by Nicodemus »

That's awesome...really nice job!
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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by MeddlingMonk »

Looks good. A properly-scaled Spark paperdoll is one of my big wishes (that and aspect-ratio correction...and maybe $10 million a year tax free).

Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by joebonk »

Guess I won't do a spark. Yours is great. I am making a ultima7 mod, copy the first map to a new map and bizarro it to be under hell's influence. Then below that map is hell trying to reach the lands of britannia. I copied the petra and male automation bodies and arms and made them red, then loaded them back into the paperdolls
but it isn't showing up for my first npc demon. (I never liked gargoyles taking over the role in demons since u6)
These demons will look differently then the gargoyles (so it isn't an obvious copy)
I make all my faces with a 3d program and then save images of them as pngs which are imported. I haven't yet, but what I will do, and wanted to do for spark, was make 3d objects of all npcs and then take screen shots in the right poses for paperdolls. Also, make movie intros and ending with 3d models instead fo regular 2d graphics. (though maybe exult can't use them)
anyways, my demon npc's paperdoll has the armor and weapons and equipment show up but no body (which is right next to frame of petra's) or the new arms I made (6 of them in there own shape slot) female male female male female male.
I set the shape numbers and the frames in the info box.
But when I click the paperdoll for the demon npc no body or arms, the head shows up but to the right of where it should, and the helmet head shows up but to the right of where it should. I am playing (while testing editing) the keyring mod, And some heads for it are stored not in SI paperdoll but BG paperdoll, while the shape objects for their bodies are still in SI. (maybe my bug is that I'm editing a mod and not the clean game)
But if anyone is considering how to make paperdoll art and faces, consider making 3d models of your characters and then use those for image snapshots. A 3d model can be posed in any manner to match any ultima npc instance.
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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by agentorangeguy »

Lord British paperdoll = awesome.
Ultima 6 Mod for Exult site:

Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by paulo »

I just noticed the paper dolls are right handed but the npcs are left handed

This is because of sprite mirroring right?
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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by Crowley »

Yeah. Characters facing north or east wield stuff in the right hand, and it's on the left hand when facing south or west.

If I may offer a suggestion, a head for Lord British without the crown might be appropriate as making the crown a separate piece of equipment is easily done in a mod. At least Marzo's Keyring Mod gives Lord British the crown jewels from Ultima 5.
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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by HoppyDragon2 »

Ah, I see there are some replies I missed from this. I didn't really do much more with my work, but I noticed mentioned the Spark paperdoll in another thread and I decided to see if I could find my work again to possibly finish it.

As for the Lord British paperdoll, I actually already made and have a working version on my computer without the crown.

I've been getting back into Exult recently, so I'll see what I can do about finishing both things up and offering downloads.
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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by Crowley »

Good to hear you intend to pursue the Spark project. I would be glad to help, if you so wish.
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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by HoppyDragon2 »

I'll definitely accept help, considering this is going to require redrawing A LOT of the armors.

And on another note, I unfortunately don't have my source files for the Spark paperdoll anymore, but I should be able to use the image I posted here to create a new one that is more or less the same.

Once I get that sorted out I'll post them here so that anyone that wants to can contribute clothing/armors/etc.

Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by Aidanleer »

Glad to hear you are back and on the unfinished project. Thanks for linking this on the other thread with the update. I look forward to seeing and downloading your mod.

Have you considered doing any other paper dolls? The tree imps and gargoyles would be cool. I think the u6 exalt team is working on gargoyles.
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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by Crowley »

Psst, I've made a gargoyle paperdoll. Look nearby for a thread titled "WIP: Beh Lem in U7".

Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by Aidanleer »

Is it available for download Crowley?
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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by Crowley »

Please discuss it in its own thread.
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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by HoppyDragon2 »

Actually if you don't mind Crowley, I'm okay with discussing any and all new shapes for paperdolls in this thread.
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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by Crowley »

In that case, I might as well list here some of the paperdoll stuff I've made.

Mystic armor, based on the Ultima 6 cover art:


Padded cloth armor:


Gargoyle paperdoll:


Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by Will »

Dang...those all look phenomenal! My Avatar wants to wear the mystic armor ;p
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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by Mortegro »

It would be cool if they were add to exult already :D
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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by Dominus »

Well, we'd need mystic armour, padded armour and a Gargoyle to join first in the game. This would only be possible through a mod ;)
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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by Aidanleer »

Is there a way to accumulate all of that into the Keyring mod? Keep everything in one nice package if Marzo doesn't mind the adjustments to his work.
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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by Dominus »

That should be possible, I think. Don't know about adding custom paperdolls (since it's not just a different female/male head) but in theory it should be possible. We'd still need shapes for the armor, not just the paperdoll art...
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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by Crowley »

I suppose you are referring to something like Spark's paperdoll which would require making armor somehow use a third set of paperdoll graphics beyond the male/female options? Putting the gargoyle paperdoll to use is very simple.
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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by Dominus »

No, not like Sparks. I really had no idea whether a complete new paperdoll is possible.
Sooo, we'd need a BG and SI style paperdoll and shapes for the armor.
And someone to write a little plot to include Beh-Lem in the party...
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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by Crowley »

Someone like meeeeee!
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Re: New Shapes for Paperdolls in BG/SI

Post by Dominus »

Yessssss ;)
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