Rabindrinath and Dream Realm woes

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Brendan Setaro

Rabindrinath and Dream Realm woes

Post by Brendan Setaro »

Well, since the board got reset, I guess its time for me to resubmit my question, as I never got an answer to it the first time (that I could read anyways before the threads were all deleted) so I guess I'll ask it again. While in the dream realm, after talking with Siranush, I go to the keep where Rabindrinath dwells, and he proceeds to attack me, whereas I know he's supposed to perform some scripted conversation and events. I have all three artifacts on me, but am I missing something to make this happen? I can't even talk to him. Or is this a bug? I'm using yesterdays snapshot. I'd download todays and test it, but I'm at college right now, and don't have access to Ultima 7 on this particular machine... (I have secretly installed it on others though, ;)
Thanks in advance. Let's rebuild this board!

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Re: Rabindrinath and Dream Realm woes

Post by drcode »

I played through this last night, and there might be some sort of bug here. The first time I approached him, he talked to me correctly. But I was missing the Helm, and got blasted back to the swamp. When I returned with the Helm, he was in combat mode, and would only attack me. But after letting a day pass (cheating using ctrl-t), he was back in 'talk' mode and the plot proceeded.

I guess this was just a long way of saying, that, yes, there is a bug, but you can work around it. And I'll take a look at it tonight.
Brendan Setaro

Re: Rabindrinath and Dream Realm woes

Post by Brendan Setaro »

Great, it worked :) Thanks!