"Stones" cover on electric guitar

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Ultima fan guitarist

"Stones" cover on electric guitar

Post by Ultima fan guitarist »

Here you go:
I hope you guys enjoy it!
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Re: "Stones" cover on electric guitar

Post by drcode »

Very nice!
Andrea B Previtera

Re: "Stones" cover on electric guitar

Post by Andrea B Previtera »

Nice indeed!
By the way - does anyone know if there's a youtube video or something of the "Trance" version of Stones of Ultima IX's finale?

Re: "Stones" cover on electric guitar

Post by thr »

why do you say it's nice? it's really very, very bad.

Re: "Stones" cover on electric guitar

Post by thr »

umm, I apologise for being so blunt, I didn't really mean it to sound like that... I am Contemptous Dragon, and such is my nature. please don't get discouraged because of some sour @!#$ like me. and umm, my first impression was bad, but I like it more the more I listen to it. there's something wrong with this dissonant background, though. or maybe it's just me. damn, too bad I can't delete my post. sorry again.
Ultima fan guitarist

Re: "Stones" cover on electric guitar

Post by Ultima fan guitarist »

I dont mind, every one gets up with the wrong foot once in a while.
The cover was well received everywhere, although its far from perfect, i know.
If the bad criticisim is well-grounded, i dont mind, otherwise its just hate spam.

See ya around, and im glad some of you guys liked it, im just an ultima fan like you.
Ultima fan guitarist

Re: "Stones" cover on electric guitar

Post by Ultima fan guitarist »

BTW thanks to the Exult team for making such an awesome program that lets us keep U7 alive
Andrea B Previtera

Re: "Stones" cover on electric guitar

Post by Andrea B Previtera »

Btw, I meant this (found at last!):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTyNWhFK ... re=related

I think few people realized this is actually a *very* revisited version of Stones :)
Posts: 13
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: "Stones" cover on electric guitar

Post by tedreedy »


where do you you hear stones? the only resemblance I hear is at the very end (2:12-30) which like you said, is very revisited.
Andrea B Previtera

Re: "Stones" cover on electric guitar

Post by Andrea B Previtera »

I didn't hear stones by myself, if not when Richard Garriott was interviewed somewhere about various Ultima IX aspects, and he talked a lot about the music and especially the making of the chamber orchestra version of Stones. In the end he adds something like "There are actually two versions of Stones in game, the second one, is almost unrecognizable and is the soundtrack of the endgame credits bla bla bla". I think it takes a real music expert to explain HOW that's Stones, but as you noticed it becomes a bit clearer at 2:12 to 2:30 :)