Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

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Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Sturm »

Hi guys. I've been learning Studio the last few days, just going around Britannia and fixing a few things that used to annoy me back when I played U7.

Anyway, I'm running Parallels on my Mac, and using XP to run Studio. The Mac version runs much smoother and more stable on my system.

Just wondering if there is a process for taking a custom map with changes and accessing it using my OSX version of Exult.

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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Dominus »

If I understand you correctly you want to take the work you've done on ParallelsXP to your Mac?
Just copy the files from the VM to your mac and adjust the paths in ~/Library/Preferences/exult.cfg
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Sturm »

Thanks for the quick response. That is what I am trying to do. Do I just copy the files in the patch folder, or do I need to worry about anything else?
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Sturm »

After some unsuccessful trial and error I ended up just copying my Blackgate folder from my PC version to my Mac version. The map seems to translate fine, along with some buildings I made.

The problem now is that only map and structural elements of my buildings are showing up in the OSX version. The eggs, npcs, and things like furniture and items are missing. Essentially I have map tiles, walls, floors, and roofs but nothing else.

I get the feeling that I'm missing something obvious. I'm not sure which paths I should be adjusting in reference to your above post. Thanks for your patience.
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Dominus »

Just to make sure, you are using a self compiled version of SVN? (because the ages old 1.2 version doesn't have the same functionality as the SVN)

Also please check the location for the patch directory and the path you point to the patches in exult.cfg.
This might help http://exult.info/docs.php#patch_install
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Sturm »

Ok my paths in .cfg are correct.

Problem may be that no, my Mac version is 1.2. So I need to self-compile a current version in OSX in order to use patches or mods at all?

If so is there some specific tutorial or doc you could point me to? After reading and rereading readme files I'm having trouble finding a starting point.

I was hoping that since I was only trying to modify the map in the original Black Gate as opposed to using a whole mod that my OSX 1.2 would be up to the task.
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Dominus »

Ok, sorry, no, 1.2 will not cut it. 1.2 is not upward compatible, you will need to compile current SVN yourself.
Download the source snapshot and read readme.macosx.
Opposed to what I've writtne in their, I recommend using MacPorts (http://www.macports.org/) instead of Fink, but either is ok.
Also you need to change your ~/.profile to have the path set correctly, meaning in the right order

export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH

This way, when you compile something the compiler uses the MacPorts files over the system files. It will fail otherwise.
The following lines won't hurt either...
export CFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include
export LDFLAGS=-L/opt/local/lib
export ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I /opt/local/share/aclocal"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/local/lib/pkgconfig"

if you use Fink, you need to replace /opt/local with /sw

With MacPorts you also need to edit autogen.sh in your downloaded Exult sources. line 67 needs
glibtoolize --force --copy
instead of
libtoolize --force --copy
(this might not be necessary when you are using Fink, I don't remember anymore)

It sounds more complicated than it is, but currently I have no way to compile a static version of Exult for OS X to share that :(
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Sturm »

Thanks Dom, got it compiled last night and am running patches and mods fine.

I wasn't able to get Exult Studio compiled though. Kept getting libtool errors. Are there updated or modified instructions on making studio OSX accessible?
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Dominus »

I'll check later today on compiling ES. For testing stuff it was easier not to compile ES, so I haven't compiled it for some time.
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Dominus »

Just tested and ES compiles fine here. Things that may help or not :)
- what did you decide on? Fink or MacPorts?
- did you change the autogen.sh line?
- alternatively, I don't change autogen.sh but made symlink of /opt/local/bin/glibtoolize to /opt/local/bin/libtoolize
cd /opt/local/bin
sudo ln -s glibtoolize libtoolize
- did you pass both ./configure options for studio as written in readme.macosx?

If all that fails
- please copy/paste your .profile contents
- copy/paste the compile error

we should be able to solve that ;)
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Sturm »

I ended up using Fink as I'd already downloaded it and all. I tried MacPorts afterwards, but it was late and the interface isn't as intuitive as Fink.

I tried it with and without changing the autogen.sh. Both times I got the same error, which I neglected to record though I do know it was related to libtool.

How do I make a symlink (Sorry, I'm by no stretch of the imagination a programmer)?

I will give it another shot over the weekend and hopefully will have good news.

As a side note, couple of quick questions that have popped up. Are the fixes listed in the changelog implemented in the current SVN? I notice there is no date next to the download link for the SVN, is there a way to know when it gets updated?
I assume that when the SVN is updated I'll have to recompile, correct?

Thanks mate.
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Malignant Manor »

The svn snapshot is old. The url is http:// exult.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/exult/exult/trunk.tar.gz?view=tar (link is intentionally broken just in case it causes server load issues). You are much better off installing SVN and using checkout to keep up to date though.

Code: Select all

svn co https://exult.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/exult/exult/trunk exult
Then you can use

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svn update
to update the files whenever changes are made to svn.
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Dominus »

I tried it with and without changing the autogen.sh. Both times I got the same error, which I neglected to record though I do know it was related to libtool.
That sounds like you didn't change ~/.profile the way I described.
How do I make a symlink (Sorry, I'm by no stretch of the imagination a programmer)?
I wrote that up there.

Note that you shouldn't mix Fink and MacPorts, decide on one and stick with that.
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Sturm »

I ran export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH
I'm not certain how to specifically change ./profile or find the contents to show you.

All the work I've done so far has been using only fink.

Currently, after starting from scratch I am no longer getting the libtool error, so I guess that is a bit of progress. As to building studio, no luck yet. I am passing both of the configure options, but when I run

./configure --enable-exult-studio --enable-macosx-studio-support

I am getting the following error.

bargeedit.cc:214: error: ‘barge_status_id’ was not declared in this scope
bargeedit.cc:215: error: ‘set_statusbar’ was not declared in this scope
bargeedit.cc:217: error: ‘app_xml’ was not declared in this scope
bargeedit.cc:218: error: ‘glade_xml_get_widget’ was not declared in this scope
bargeedit.cc:218: error: ‘gtk_widget_set_sensitive’ was not declared in this scope
make[2]: *** [bargeedit.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

I hope that helps, it's a bit confusing when the problem seems to change so I hope I'm not missing something basic. Thanks again!
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Dominus »

if you use fink you need to use a different export for path as I've written above:
export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH

This way, when you compile something the compiler uses the MacPorts files over the system files. It will fail otherwise.
The following lines won't hurt either...
export CFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include
export LDFLAGS=-L/opt/local/lib
export ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I /opt/local/share/aclocal"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/local/lib/pkgconfig"

if you use Fink, you need to replace /opt/local with /sw
What I meant with this:
All instructions that have somewhere /opt/local in it are meant for MacPorts, if you are using Fink you have to replace /opt/local with /sw.
Best thing to do right now is "make clean" in the source.

You might be able to edit your profile by opening the terminal and execute "open ~/.profile"
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Sturm »

I changed the /opt/local to /sw properly I think, and I can't seem to get access to ~/.profile.

This is what I have been running up until the point I get the above error message.

First I edit autogen.sh

then I open terminal, point it at my exult directory, and run

export PATH=/sw/bin:/sw/sbin:$PATH
export CFLAGS=-I/sw/include
export LDFLAGS=-L/sw/lib
export ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I /sw/share/aclocal"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/sw/lib/pkgconfig"

make bundle

./configure --enable-exult-studio --enable-macosx-studio-support
(I get 'yes' in the Build ExultStudio option)

that's the point where I get the above error with all the stuff not being declared in this scope

I've tried it a couple times now and am getting that consistent result.
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Dominus »

To get back to this (your post in the other thread reminded me to look here again, sorry the static snapshot for OSX took my attention over :)).
Some things that come to my mind
- don't do the first step (./autogen.sh
make bundle), it's unnecessary, especially the make bundle, when you configure exult for compiling with Exult Studio support it will rebuilt Exult anyway and the bundle will not work correctly with Exult Studio. The bundle is for Exult without ES support.

- after running
./configure --enable-exult-studio --enable-macosx-studio-support
also run "make clean" before running "make" so leftovers are cleaned out.

- do you have X11 installed? This might be missing from the ReadMe.MacOSX, you need to install this from the OS X installation CD

- last help after all this, after running
./configure --enable-exult-studio --enable-macosx-studio-support
open the file "makefile" in the exult source and copy/paste what is written for
so I can compare it with mine to check whether there is something not installed that needs to be installed.

If all else fails, maybe consider going from Fink to MacPorts :) (since I'm using MacPorts I'm on much more stable ground there :))

(and out of interest, in /sw/bin is there a libtoolize or glibtoolize - I just need this information for the future to tell people the right thing about MacPorts and Fink)
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Sturm »

I seem to be having trouble installing libglade. I get errors when I try to install via macports (i uninstalled fink and switched).

I keep getting this error.

lipo: can't open input file: /var/folders/uk/ukWoLOxrFuKPCJ9ueL-KCk+++TI/-Tmp-//ccn35clr.out (No such file or directory)
make[2]: *** [libXft.la] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2
Error: The following dependencies failed to build: gtk2 atk gtk-doc
gnome-doc-utils py26-libxml2 python26 tk Xft2 tcl xorg-libXScrnSaver xorg-scrnsaverproto rarian getopt cairo libpixman libpng jasper pango shared-mime-info tiff xorg-libXcomposite xorg-compositeproto xorg-libXfixes xorg-fixesproto xorg-libXcursor xorg-libXdamage xorg-damageproto xorg-libXi xorg-libXinerama xorg-xineramaproto
Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
Before reporting a bug, first run the command again with the -d flag to get complete output.
-Executing: /opt/local/bin/port install libglade2 +universal

I do have X11 installed.

FREETYPE2_INCLUDES = -I/opt/local/include/freetype2 -I/opt/local/include
FREETYPE2_LIBS = -L/opt/local/lib -lfreetype -lz
SDL_LIBS = -L/opt/local/lib -lSDLmain -lSDL -Wl,-framework,Cocoa -lSDL_mixer

When I attempt to compile I get the following message.

Umm, but we don't have any libglade stuff.
Try again, either with libglade, or with --disable-exult-studio

So it would seem that my problem has migrated to not being able to install libglade. I know it mentions in the READMEOSX that libglade may require dependencies.

Thanks again for your time, Dom.
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by MeddlingMonk »

Is it really just a problem building libglade? The error says that the dependencies also won't build. The fact that you migrated from Fink to MacPorts makes me wonder what's in '.profile'. If you haven't checked, you may want to and see whether there are Fink-related lines in there and whether or not there are any relating to MacPorts. It might be that terminal isn't finding things and/or is looking in places those things no longer exist.
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Sturm »

Yeah, I was wondering if I'd done that migration improperly.

I'm a bit out of my element in all of this. How do I access my .profile?
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Dominus »

first hit on how to edit .profile os x http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2618/os_ ... _textedit/

For Macports after installtion, did you run

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sudo port selfupdate
sudo port upgrade outdated
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Sturm »

I wasn't able to open my .profile. I ran a command to show hidden files and was unable to find it then as well, unless it may be .bash_profile. There seems to be bunch of MacPorts stuff in there, nothing in regard to Fink.

I did not run the above commands after installing macports. When I do now it tells me that macports base is already the lastet version.

running sudo port upgrade outdated gives me
Error: No ports matched the given expression
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Dominus »

Please run

Code: Select all

open -a TextEdit ~/.profile
You really should have a .profile file...
Can you copy paste the contents of .bash_profile?
Do you have Fink still installed? (meaning do you still have /sw/ ?)
Did you start installing MacPorts while Fink was still around?
Something is weird on your end, I really don't know what's wrong there :(
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Sturm »


open -a TextEdit ~/.profile

comes back to me with "The file /Users/brandonblomquist/.profile does not exist."

Fink is not installed, and wasn't when I installed MacPorts, at least I don't think it was. I ran sudo rm -rf /sw before installing MacPorts.

I tried reinstalling X11 to no avail, still no .profile. I probably screwed something up along the way. Is there a way I could remove everything and start again from scratch? I'm very anxious to get to work in Exult Studio!

the contents of .bash_profile are below.

# Setting PATH for MacPython 2.5
# The orginal version is saved in .bash_profile.pysave
export PATH

test -r /sw/bin/init.sh && . /sw/bin/init.sh

# Your previous /Users/brandonblomquist/.bash_profile file was backed up as /Users/brandonblomquist/.bash_profile.macports-saved_2010-02-24_at_01:15:48

# MacPorts Installer addition on 2010-02-24_at_01:15:48: adding an appropriate PATH variable for use with MacPorts.
export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH
# Finished adapting your PATH environment variable for use with MacPorts.

# MacPorts Installer addition on 2010-02-24_at_01:15:48: adding an appropriate MANPATH variable for use with MacPorts.
export MANPATH=/opt/local/share/man:$MANPATH
# Finished adapting your MANPATH environment variable for use with MacPorts.

# Your previous /Users/brandonblomquist/.bash_profile file was backed up as /Users/brandonblomquist/.bash_profile.macports-saved_2010-02-25_at_16:27:57

# MacPorts Installer addition on 2010-02-25_at_16:27:57: adding an appropriate PATH variable for use with MacPorts.
export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH
# Finished adapting your PATH environment variable for use with MacPorts.

# MacPorts Installer addition on 2010-02-25_at_16:27:57: adding an appropriate MANPATH variable for use with MacPorts.
export MANPATH=/opt/local/share/man:$MANPATH
# Finished adapting your MANPATH environment variable for use with MacPorts.

# Your previous /Users/brandonblomquist/.bash_profile file was backed up as /Users/brandonblomquist/.bash_profile.macports-saved_2010-03-05_at_02:16:32

# MacPorts Installer addition on 2010-03-05_at_02:16:32: adding an appropriate PATH variable for use with MacPorts.
export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH
# Finished adapting your PATH environment variable for use with MacPorts.

# MacPorts Installer addition on 2010-03-05_at_02:16:32: adding an appropriate MANPATH variable for use with MacPorts.
export MANPATH=/opt/local/share/man:$MANPATH
# Finished adapting your MANPATH environment variable for use with MacPorts.
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Dominus »

ok, your profile is really a mess :)
I'm unsure myself, but I guess .bash_profile is as good as .profile.
Sooo, please edit your .bash_profile this way:
- copy paste the contents of .bash_profile to any textfile and save it for safekeeping
Then delete everything in there and copy/paste this into it:

Code: Select all

# Setting PATH for MacPython 2.5
# The orginal version is saved in .bash_profile.pysave
# PATH="/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin:${PATH}"
#export PATH

# MacPorts Installer addition on 2010-03-05_at_02:16:32: adding an appropriate PATH variable for use with MacPorts.
export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH
# Finished adapting your PATH environment variable for use with MacPorts.

export CFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include
export LDFLAGS=-L/opt/local/lib
export ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I /opt/local/share/aclocal"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/local/lib/pkgconfig"
Note that I added the MacPython path setting to the path set by MacPorts, to not clutter it more. I left the original stuff it wrote there but commented it out (by using the #).

After you've done all this, shut down terminal (not just closing it but also left click the terminal icon in the dock and select quit) and start it again. Then you can try to install stuff via macports again.
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Sturm »

Ok, some progress. I managed to change my .profile according to your above suggestion. I think the problem was that I was running a stock version of xtools and needed to upgrade.

So I got libglade installed and managed to pull off 'make' with no errors

I entered the path command from the documentation, started exult and hit map edit- nothing.

Are there additional steps to getting studio to run with mapedit? How can I launch it manually?

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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Dominus »

Great that you managed to compile this and I'm glad that you didn't give up on this frustrating thing :)
To get Exult Studio working, there are three ways with a possible 4th way (which is likely to be the most elegant way)

a.) you start both Exult and Exult Studio on their own, and when you go into map edit mode in Exult you choose connect in Exult Studio
(Exult Studio is in /mapedit of where you compiled Exult)

b.) from the source you copy /mapedit/exult_studio.glade to the data folder you wrote down in exult.cfg. Then you add PATH-TO-SOURCE/mapedit to your path settings in .profile (.bash_profile). Then start Exult and when you go into mapedit mode it should find and autostart Exult Studio.

c.) from the source you copy /mapedit/exult_studio.glade to the data folder you wrote down in exult.cfg. Copy the exult and exult_studio binaries to /opt/local/bin. Now you can start Exult from the terminal and it should find and autostart Exult Studio when you go into mapedit mode

possible d.) I haven't tried this but it should work, after finishing compiling also do "make bundle", copy the Exult.app to your applications folder, from the source you copy /mapedit/exult_studio.glade to the data folder you wrote down in exult.cfg, copy /mapedit/exult_studio binary to /opt/local/bin. You should now be able to start Exult from the Applications folder and it should start Exult Studio when you go into mapedit mode... <- This might be the most elegant way if it works

And additional question, are you compiling from SVN as Malignant Manor explained or are you compiling from the source snapshot? The source snapshot is a bit old and there have been some fixes lately that should ebenefit you, so better grab the SVN via subversion...
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Sturm »

Well, not completely out of the woods yet. Though I can tell ya that getting this thing to work has been almost like an abstract Ultima in itself, almost there. I really appreciate all your help.

So everything seems to be compiling properly now, but when I click on the Exult Studio Unix Executable it comes back to me with.

brandon-blomquists-imac:~ brandonblomquist$ /Applications/exult/mapedit/exult_studio ; exit;
Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display "/tmp/launch-SybBBT/:0".

(exult_studio:389): libglade-WARNING **: could not find glade file 'data/exult_studio.glade'
Assertion failed: (app_xml), function ExultStudio, file studio.cc, line 569.
Abort trap

[Process completed]

I moved exult_studio.glade to my data folder, but this seems not to change the message I'm recieve.
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Dominus »

I moved exult_studio.glade to my data folder, but this seems not to change the message I'm recieve.
To what folder did you move it? It must be the same folder that is defined in exult.cfg as data_path.
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Sturm »

I moved 'exult_studio.glade' to the /data in the exult folder i compiled from.

I set up the path in .cfg as follows, which seems to work for the gamedat_path.


I've tried a couple of variations, but I'm still getting the same error message. Did I miss a step?

If I had my trail of parallels hadn't expired, I'd go look at the CFG there which worked with studio, and compare the two- unfortunately I can't get to that anymore.
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Dominus »

you need to copy exult_studio.glade to /Users/brandonblomquist/.exult/data to make it work. I wasn't very clear about this before, but Exult Studio uses exult.cfg to determine where the data folder is. And in that folder it will expect the glade file to be.
The compile folder will not be used unless you point to the data folder in there in exult.cfg.
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Sturm »

hmm, I think it should be working according to that.

I've been compiling with my compile folder in /applications so I would think everything should be in there to make it work.

Are you saying that after compiling I should isolate the files in a new exult folder?
When just compiling exult I generally just move the data folder and application icon into a new folder with my blackgate and serpentisle folders and it runs fine. Not so sure what studio files I should move to make a fresh folder without all the clutter.

So currently I have exult_studio.glade in the data folder, with the path settings above, and am still getting the same error. I've tried moving the folder I used to compile out of applications, making a new exult folder, and moving /data and the app from the compile folder to the new one. Same error.

Is there a step-by-step post compile process I should be following. I just can't seem to find any more process in READMEOSX beyond making the Studio binary.
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Dominus »

There is no compiling to be done after compiling.
Are you saying that after compiling I should isolate the files in a new exult folder?
Yes, so when you compile from source again, because you updated the source (which you should do anyway if you are using the source snapshot - things have changed and the source snapshots are now up to date again), and something goes wrong, you don't lose the already working exult+exult_studio.
I've been compiling with my compile folder in /applications so I would think everything should be in there to make it work.
It's there but not where Exult Studio can find it.

The error you get is that it can't find the glade file.
So please make sure what path is written down in exult.cfg under the tag and make sure you copy exult_studio.glade into that folder.
To make sure search in spotlight for exult_studio.glade and confirm the location to be the same specified in the exult.cfg.
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Sturm »

So what all do I need to move from my compile folder to the new playing folder in order to run Studio?

currently Exult it is in /applications and contains
/data (with exult_studio.glade)
exult app

I renamed and moved my compile folder.

I'm not sure if I should move /mapedit from my compile folder to my playing folder. I tried it anyway and got the same result when I launched the Studio binary.

It could be that I'm just screwing up trying to put the proper path in .cfg.

The contents of my current .cfg are...

























































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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Dominus »

your data path is at the wrong part of the exult.cfg file.
- Best delete exult.cfg, start Exult once, exit.
- Then move /Applications/blackgate and /Applications/data to ~/.exult (in the Finder menu chose Go To-> Go To Folder to find the ~/.exult folder
- copy exult_studio from the source/mapedit folder to /opt/local/bin
- edit exult.cfg and use http://exult.info/docs.php#exult_config as reference - don't use the optional settings, this will only screw you up again
- for use the path /Users/brandonblomquist/.exult/data
- for
use /Users/brandonblomquist/.exult/blackgate

This should set you on the right way.
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Sturm »

Nice, I now have a working version of Exult Studio! Congratulations on walking a true unix noob through that morass!

I have yet to actually edit with it, but I've already put off enough stuff today to do anymore on this project. I'll give a shot at implementing my connection between the two apps so I can edit tomorrow. We'll see if I can't screw that up!

Thanks again for your patience :)
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Sturm »

Well I tried it out before bed, and somethings still not quite right.

I can launch exult fine, but when I go to manually launch exult studio I get a dialog box:

Exult Studio could not find any games to edit. Do you wish to create a new game to edit? Yes No

If I create a new to get past the dialog box, I seem to be unable to connect the editor to the current exult game I am running.

I dunno, probably something simple I overlooked whilst doing the complicated stuff, but I can't seem to get it to work after fiddling with my path settings and .cfg (i reverted the changes after :P).

I'm running exult studio binary is being run from /opt/local/bin. I renamed my source folder /exultsource and adjusted the path accordingly in .profile to find /mapedit (I'm wondering if that was where I went wrong). I noted in the documentation that for the PC version exult.exe and exultstudio.exe need to be in the same folder.
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Dominus »

ok, got to rverse it a bit, Exult Studio and Exult.app do NOT work together, I have no idea why and I really don't want to know.
What you do now is copy both the exult and exult_studio binary to /opt/local/bin
(in terminal cd to where you compiled the source, then execute

Code: Select all

sudo cp exult /opt/local/bin
sudo cp ./mapedit/exult_studio /opt/local/bin
If you changed the exult.cfg in the manner I wrote the last time, you should now be able to open the terminal, execute exult and from exult entering the map edit mode will start Exult Studio.
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Sturm »

Contact! It works! Again, many thanks for stickin with me, Dom.
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Dominus »

woot woot woot!!!
We got it working!!!

(and if you dare you should try out newer source jsut ot be on the bleeding edge :))
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Sturm »

haha, I think I'm gonna actually use the software for today at least!

I did manage to implement the recent rain fix and the sleeping on the floor fix, those two bugs really bothered me.
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Re: Exult Studio Mods in OSX?

Post by Dominus »

One last tip, I got for you:

Exult with Exult Studio support does not switch correctly to fullscreen, meaning the game window size will not stretch to the fullscreen but just add black bars all around. This is likely due to X11 support builtin when compiling Exult with ES support.

So, you could built once Exult without ES support and make it a bundle, then compile Exult with ES support and DON'T make the bundle but just use the exult binary.
So you have the exult binary for building things with ES and the Exult.app just for playing.
Of course the Exult.app has other problems:
- if you have an ATI/AMD Radeon chip the scalers Point, Interlaced and Scale2x will not display correctly at all
- you might have problems switching to fullscreen in game. But it starts fine in fullscreen mode (with a resolution of 640x480 fullscreen switching works, though).
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