Britannian Humor

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Britannian Humor

Post by suraimu »


Jaana: What's wrong, Avatar?

Avatar: A dungeon near Minoc, but that's not important right now!

Re: Britannian Humor

Post by Stephan »

If that's Britannian humor, no wonder the Guardian wants to kill them all off so bad. :P

Re: Britannian Humor

Post by suraimu »

The Avatar has a much more virtuous approach - murdering Chuckles. :P

Re: Britannian Humor

Post by Tim »

I thought that Wrong was near Yew. I know it's near Minoc in U9.

Re: Britannian Humor

Post by Stephan »

Well, it's across the bay from Minoc. Pretty far by the land route, not so far by sea (or air!).

Re: Britannian Humor

Post by suraimu »

It really all depends on what time period of Britannia you're talking about. :)

Re: Britannian Humor

Post by Tim »

This is true, it is closer to Minoc. But it's just as close to Yew. Well, almost.
Meat Shield

Re: Britannian Humor

Post by Meat Shield »

Thats funny. :)

So 'Airplane'.

Re: Britannian Humor

Post by suraimu »

I prefer to say it's 'Police Squad'ian. :)

Re: Britannian Humor

Post by Tim »

That line was in Airplane.

"There's trouble in the cockpit."

"What is it?"

"It's the little room where the pilot sits, but that isn't important right now."

Re: Britannian Humor

Post by suraimu »

That line was in Airplane, and at least a dozen of the dozen Police Squad episodes, which Airplane was more or less a movie version of. Deal with
it. :P

Re: Britannian Humor

Post by Trevor_Clim »

i think thats funny:

Dirty Diapers will immobilize any enemy. I always kept a bunch of them around for emergencies.

Spark is useful because fountains and pools often have psychoactive effects, and we need a guinea-pig to find out what kind of trips we're going to have before the Avatar does any.

Take the examination, and try to make yourself appear as evil as possible. Batlin will now give you the package.
Give Batlin some Sweeties and run away.

She says that Batlin will be very, very angry when she tells him of this.
We can't allow that, so we kill her.

Sail back to Britain and talk to Nystul.
Buy his entire back-catalogue of spells.

Now, distribute the triple-crossbows among your 5 followers.
This is is an appallingly dangerous move because they can't shoot for little green apples.

I figured that the problem was that Iolo hadn't taken enough drugs to push him into the 'golden section' so I went back to Minoc to try and find more drugs to continue my experiments.
I pumped Iolo full of drugs again, (7 doses) and gave 5 to Jaana to see what effect this dose would have on her.By now I was out of drugs. Which sucked.

I found Shamino, who was in bed with a woman dressed as a mouse, presumably engaged in some kind of bizarre sex game.

As you can see, Jaana has been totally momafied, with -17 health points, but this terrible wound pales next to Iolo, who at -122 health points, should not just be dead, but a smoking hole in the ground. Now it isn't quite as bad as it seems because although Iolo is burned out and totally immobile, he can still be used as a container.. a barrel that we can drop things into by remote control.

Of course, whenever I'm in Minoc, I'll have Owen commit suicide a few

Avatar: "Hey Owen, what's that about the ship that sunk? The one you
designed? Heard it from the hairy freak down south."

Owen: "I don't deserve to live!" "Argh!"

A: "In Mani Corp!"

O: "I live!"

A: "Ah, Owen, amuse us. We were talking about that ship...?"

O: "I don't deserve to live!" "Argh!"

A: "Heh. In Mani Corp!"

And so on and so on. I usually prepare a little podium for Owen and
get chairs for the entire party, so they can watch the show more
comfortably. Sometimes we perform the show in the Minoc bar. We get
great reviews, really.

Re: Britannian Humor

Post by Tim »


You are evil.
Posts: 344
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: Britannian Humor

Post by XxVenomxX »

Gotta love 'A Fistful of Ultima 7', which that is from.

I read that for a good laugh every once in a while, hehe
Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro