I wasn't aware of the early ultimas being so "liberal" with science fiction elements. I tried to play a few of them once, but I got frustrated and quit because I would always get poisoned and had no way of curing myself so I would always eventually die.
God the food thing was more annoying than anything. At least by Ultima IV and V they got it right..
I never heard of this guy before but man those two reviews were hilarious.
Cant wait til he rips apart Ultima II now hehe.. If he thought the first two were a clusterfuck of sci-fi and fantasy elements wait til he gets time travel and light swords thrown into the mix!!
A bit of a AVGN ripoff, but the ultima reviews are hilarious.
Now, how in the world does Ultima canon explain away all those rocketships and phasers, etc? If the bones of Zog are still around, ya have to wonder why the Britannians haven't come across an ancient shuttle lol. I know people have made assumptions to explain them, but I don't recall anywhere in the series that explains where they went to?
Ultima 6 Mod for Exult site: http://www.ultima6.realmofultima.com/
Ohhh yeah... I totally forgot about that thing! the wing commander reference I guess
Ultima 6 Mod for Exult site: http://www.ultima6.realmofultima.com/
This has nothing to do with Ultima, but I think that for every RPG (and therefore Ultima) fan his review of Mazes & Monsters might be interesting nevertheless. It's hilarious at the least:
4 is out!? I ma going. Although, I am looking forward to the ones I played the most, part 7 I&II. I've been reading http://lparchive.org/LetsPlay/Ultima%20VII/index.html
which is a walk-through of sorts with written commentary that can be pretty funny.
...I second the DragonStrike review being good. Great I'd say, if you know D&D. I was hurting by the time it ended.
Had some funny moments, but left me with an odd feeling, in that he wasn't actually tearing the game into bits, but making me want to play it...nicely done!
I've tried it a couple of times, but never got anywhere. I'll definitely give it a real shot when I have the time.
YAY finally my favorite of the series gets the Spoony treatment hehe.
I loved the screenshot where he tells Blackthorn to eat a dick when he asks for the Mantra of Honesty hehe..
had some good moments. I agree with spoons feelings on the abysmal viewing window, and the beef jerky. U7, I've always been able to come back and enjoy playing, U6, seemed a bit of a chore. Finished it once and tried again about 6 or 7 times. I liked the story but it surely could be tweaked somewhat.
Wished he would have spent less(0) time with his live-action chuckles and more in the game. He didn't mention wanda, smith, nicodemus... or the silly answers alot of NPC give you, where you might ask them something they clearly have knowledge of, but because it's not the right key word, they claim ignorance.
Anyhow, looking forward to U7.
Ive had the same feelings replaying U6 too..
4, 5 and the 7s are always fun to come back too but everytime I replay 6, Ill play it for a few days and then just drop it.
The interface wasnt bad (I remember my jaw dropping when I first saw it on my IBM) but yeah the inventory management SUCKED big time.
U3 is another one I cant seem to get into anymore. I finished in like 92 or something after I got the Ultima Trilogy but Ive never been able to go back and replay that one either.. Just too tedious and slow I guess.
I don't think there is an ultima fan alive who HASN'T killed chuckles in some fashion.
There were a lot of cool things about U6 he didn't mention. You could get drunk, you could take those mugs/glasses/bottles and throw them and they'd smash.
Still working on the U6 Exult converstion BTW.. just finished up Bucs Den (minus NPC usecode for them at the moment.).
Ultima 6 Mod for Exult site: http://www.ultima6.realmofultima.com/
What is the best way to take them in exult? I've been meaning to learn how to do that so i can post some.
Ultima 6 Mod for Exult site: http://www.ultima6.realmofultima.com/
i thought about that but i wasn't sure if it would be bigger file-wise or not, but I'll do that soon.
Ultima 6 Mod for Exult site: http://www.ultima6.realmofultima.com/
No surprises there. I do agree with him that the story isn't as nuanced as in the previous two games. "Big evil guy is trying to take over the world and you have to stop him." Not as thought-provoking as overthrowing an oppressive government or settling a war with strong ideological conflicts behind it. Yeah, I know I'm oversimplifying.
Spoony has announced along with a bunch of other things that he'll be doing Serpent Isle in March. I guess Underworlds will get a brief look similar to Worlds of Ultima.
Wow. The Underworld 2 video is unbareable to watch. I had to stop it after just one third. It seems he's just bitching and being negative to be funny or something. Also, the plot and voice acting of UW were not bad at the time. He's nitpicking at everything remotely unsatisfactory and hardly mentioning all the great parts at all. Failing to mention all the parallel worlds in UW2 eliminates any credibility that he even bothered to play the games correctly.
UW II is the only one out of the two that I never completed. Not that it was difficult, it was just one of those situations where I got about a third of the way through the game, and things came up. Such a span in time would mean that I have to start a new game, and I have some other games to complete first. Though I plan on playing the Ultimas in order on my custom 486 & displayed on my LCD TV..I think that that will be awesome!
Though I do agree that Spoony is overreacting and he admits that he sucks at the game. Perhaps he was having a bad day.