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Post by Gunther8787 »

For some reason they attack each other and the avatar. This happens mostly in BG. Hardly in SI. Is this an Exult bug? 'cuz I've seen people play BG and SI on Youtube (they don't use Exult) and their party never starts to attack their own members.
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Re: Companions

Post by agentorangeguy »

Were they cursed? They'll do that if someone casts curse on them .
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Re: Companions

Post by Gunther8787 »

Well, Shamino was cursed in Dungeon Destard, so that explains why they attacked him.

To give some examples (even recent one's).

A few minutes ago, I was in that red burned out building on Serpent Isle, when I entered it the battle music started, Dupre yelled "Pity Me" and they started to attack Dupre for no reason, even outside the building they were attacking him, but also Shamino.

After training in Monitor, I tested if they would still attack each other (I did this on random locations) and for some reason they started to attack each other outside the List Field. Funny thing was, after I removed the firedoom staff from Shamino's back and into his backpack, this stopped.

This is in Serpent Isle, since it only happened a few days ago. I always had this in BG.

The one in BG:

Outside Yew while fighting a crocodile, Jaana appearently kept her Death Scythe forward, almost killing Dupre & Shamino.

Just outside Vesper, in the area with the scorpions.

Near some guard tower filled with pirates outside Vesper.

Can some weapons make your companions turn Hostile for no reason until you switch off combat mode?
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Re: Companions

Post by agentorangeguy »

The firedoom staff has the potential for collateral damage, but I don't remember it ever changing the party member's alignment to attack you. Did you add them to your party by normal means? Or did you use exult studio or the cheat mode to add them?

Are you using the latest snapshot of Exult?
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Re: Companions

Post by Dominus »

Please use the latest snapshot. The download page doesn't list 1.4.9rc1 for a reason(and it's written there)
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Re: Companions

Post by Gunther8787 »

Agentorangeguy: I don't have Exult Studio nor did I cheat to get the Firedoom staff.

I got the firedoom staff in BG from the Isle Of Fire. I found this walkthrough from this guy called "Nakar" and he showed that there was a hidden lever in that area with that bloody stone. When pulling it, a wall went open in that hallway that leads to that rock. Following that hallway, leads you to a room with a corpse, a Unicorn statue, a Death Scythe, a firedoom staff and a chest with 5 glass swords.

I got the blue Firedoom staff (don't know why they're blue...) from an area inside that cave that leads to the Goblin camp. It's that room with a golden Plaque saying "Do Not Disturb Gamemasters".

DominusMobile2: "Severe Problems"? Would this include Exult crashing during combat? 'cuz that happened alot in that last few months. Why, last week, when I was heading to the upper entrance from Dungeon Destard, Exult crashed 3 times in a row, all after I wanted to fight those wolves that wanted to attack me (strangely enough, you can perfectly attack them with spells).
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Re: Companions

Post by Dominus »

Yes, all kind of things especially the big bug mentioned prominently on our fron page "news".
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Re: Companions

Post by Gunther8787 »

Ok, appearently my old save files were still accessible, so I tested whether everyone would still turn hostile if you're in certain areas. I even equiped Shamino with the firedoom staff. So I went back to that red burned out building with those ghosts. When I enter the building, no "danger music" nor did Dupre started yelling stuff like "Pity Me" or "I Give Up". When switching to combat mode, they did attack the ghosts (except the one that ran outside), but after those ghosts were killed, the avatar started to attack Dupre for some reason, when I went outside to go after that ghost, they started to attack each other again.

Might sound stupid, but are my savefile affect by the "bugs" that were in 1.4.9? Because I'm not sure if my problem is already solved.

Also, I didn't have any "let's kill each other" effects on the SI Fixes mod up until now.
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Re: Companions

Post by Gunther8787 »

Oh, and about cheats, the only thing I actually do, is activate the "read" option, so that I kan read runes and serpent writings.

But when I finished BG & SI the first time, I never had this, so...
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Re: Companions

Post by Gunther8787 »

Yes, I'm back again and they are still turning hostile after using the firedoom staff (this is on SI Fixes with 1.5.0, the haunted mansion thing also happened again on the original SI with 1.5.0, however they did first attack the ghosts, and then attacked Dupre for some reason). The avatar accidentally hits his party members while aiming at some headless and after they are killed, Dupre & Shamino think it would be a great idea to attack me and Iolo.

I really fail to see what so great about this weapon...

Also, is this an Exult thing? Because I saw youtube user Kikoskia equipping Jaana with that staff and even though she hit a few people with it, they didn't attack Jaana.

This hostile problem also occurs with Burst arrows.

For some reason, this isn't happening when I'm casting Mass Death. They just yell "Ouch" & "That Hurts".
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Re: Companions

Post by Malignant Manor »

That was a bug I accidentally introduced Feb 25, 2011 when I updated after a change to npc alignments. This is now fixed and will work in the next snapshot (r7435). The download should be updated later today.

Most people probably don't use those weapons so no one noticed it. They have always sucked because of friendly fire. Even normal missile weapons will friendly fire in the original game engine if party members move in front of projectiles. Exult doesn't reproduce this since it is out of the player's control because of real time combat with poor ai.

Ultima 6 has friendly fire, but only if the attack roll misses so it is fair. It can then target a random nearby tile (which can be the same tile). A new attack roll still has to be made in order to hit the new target (which cannot be the old target).
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Re: Companions

Post by Gunther8787 »

The only reason I have it with me, is because I don't have anything better at the moment (like the Fire Sword)

What about the Exploded Powder Mill (I finally found out what it's called)? For some reason, the avatar attacked Dupre after killing those Ghosts (the same area where Dupre started to whine (he said stuff like "Pity Me") in 1.4.9. This doesn't happen in 1.5.0, the whining that is. They still attack him or each other. I know the Avatar was holding the Magic Sword. Dupre had the Magic Axe. Don't remember what Iolo and Shamino were holding (could look it up).