Amusing bug

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Amusing bug

Post by Reid »

Once I was inside a building and a bird flew in of its own accord. So I shut the door, thinking to trap it inside. However, the bird flew over to the door, opened it, and flew out. Hmm..

Someone mentioned before the forum was wiped that they had a problem getting Tseramed to "re-join" the party (the game crashes when you click "join"). I had this problem as well, but a way around it is to ask him about his "job" again first. You can then ask him to re-join and the game won't crash.
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Re: Amusing bug

Post by wjp »

I fixed this Tseramed bug a few days ago. The latest snapshot should work.
Brendan Setaro

Re: Amusing bug

Post by Brendan Setaro »

As far as the birds opening the doors, I think that was a topic on the boards way back, wasn't it? hehe
If you go to the Mad Mage's island in SI, there's some chickens wandering around. If it gets to a door, it just spreads its wings, and the door opens. Sorta like Moses parting the sea :)
Mmmm... magic chicken.

Re: Amusing bug

Post by suraimu »

I prefer white meat.
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Re: Amusing bug

Post by drcode »

I could fix that by requiring a minimum intelligence to open doors. But it's kind of amusing.

Re: Amusing bug

Post by Tim »

Why should you fix that?

I think animals should be allowed to open doors. Ma, the cow's hungry.

It's an enhancement. :)

Re: Amusing bug

Post by Reidhardt »

Add to the realisim!
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Re: Amusing bug

Post by XxVenomxX »

It *is* realism. The animals of Britannia are very advanced, didn't ya know that? :)
Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

Re: Amusing bug

Post by suraimu »

If you call "You should really find the sandalwood box" advanced, then
sure. :P

Re: Amusing bug

Post by T.M.M.A. »

T.M.M.A. = The Mad Murderous Avatar
(Slaying the innocent since ultima 1)

Oh man!
Cant you just forgive poor old smith?

he's a horse that can talk.. isnt that enough?
he lives in the middle of nowhere, you cant expect him to know all of the latest events.

His tip WAS acurate... just a game or two late...
(And yes... I DID kill him for the tadriness of his tip)

Avatar Imposter : N...No! Please don't! I have a wife and children!

T.M.M.A : Not any more! I'll teach scum like you what happens when you slander MY name!

Avatar Imposter : I'm sorry! I'll never do it again! Here, take...(Gurgle)

(T.M.M.A. Hacks at the impostor's bloody corpse repeatedly)

T.M.M.A. : Let this be a warning to all of those who would pretend to be the Avatar for profit!

Half the fun of the Ultima series is going town to town, slaughtering those who treat you poorly

Re: Amusing bug

Post by Stephan »

No, it's not. :P

Re: Amusing bug

Post by Bob »

Closer to 2/3.

Re: Amusing bug

Post by Stephan »

No no no!

Re: Amusing bug

Post by Tim »

I think TMMA is actually the Guardian. The Avatar's evil twin. :)