My soon to be Exult/Ultima 7 fanpage...

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Ravenous Dragon
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My soon to be Exult/Ultima 7 fanpage...

Post by Ravenous Dragon »

Hey everyone!

This is really premature, but I wanted to go ahead and announce that I'm working on an Exult/Ultima 7 fanpage.

All I have so far is the logo I made for Exult and two lines of text. =)

The rest will be coming in a few weeks I'm hoping.

Anyways, lemme know how you feel about the graphic...I'm a little undecided.



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Lord Rat

Re: My soon to be Exult/Ultima 7 fanpage...

Post by Lord Rat »

Outstanding graphics.

Contact me at . I'd like to help you with it.
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Re: My soon to be Exult/Ultima 7 fanpage...

Post by Dominus »

wow, looks very nice!
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Re: My soon to be Exult/Ultima 7 fanpage...

Post by XxVenomxX »

Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro
Ravenous Dragon
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Re: My soon to be Exult/Ultima 7 fanpage...

Post by Ravenous Dragon »

Well, I've got a preliminary layout up...send me comments. It's simple, but hopefully pleasant to the eye...=)

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Re: My soon to be Exult/Ultima 7 fanpage...

Post by drcode »

Very nice so far. But why won't it work with Netscape? Seems to look okay with Mozilla.
Ravenous Dragon

Re: My soon to be Exult/Ultima 7 fanpage...

Post by Ravenous Dragon »

Netscape seems to display the frames a little incorrectly, i.e., the graphics are coming together flush.

But I only checked it with Netscape 4.7, haven't tried the 6 series yet.

Good to hear it works with Mozilla, though. Does anyone around here use Opera?
Ravenous Dragon

Re: My soon to be Exult/Ultima 7 fanpage...

Post by Ravenous Dragon »

I meant to say...

The graphics are NOT coming together flush.

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Re: My soon to be Exult/Ultima 7 fanpage...

Post by SB-X »

It seems to work in Opera 5/Win32. Very nice; where can I get the map image used in the background of the logo?
Ravenous Dragon

Re: My soon to be Exult/Ultima 7 fanpage...

Post by Ravenous Dragon »

It's just a scan of the map. =)

I think there is an Ultima map project out there somewhere that has high-res scans of the maps posted online.

I can't remember the name of the project, but you could probably find them fairly easily with Yahoo or something.

They went by an abbreviation...hrmm...
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Re: My soon to be Exult/Ultima 7 fanpage...

Post by dizrkiez »

love the index page's graphic but the index page comes up with a few java script errors when its done loading. if ya need me to look further into it i'll check your scripting if you allow me too and let ya know whats wrong if you dont know already or look yourself.

Re: My soon to be Exult/Ultima 7 fanpage...

Post by Sven »


Ravenous Dragon: The URL to the HRUMP is

There you find the scanned Ultima Maps.


Lord Rat

Re: My soon to be Exult/Ultima 7 fanpage...

Post by Lord Rat »

On my comp, it looks fine in Netscape IE and Opera.
Ravenous Dragon
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Re: My soon to be Exult/Ultima 7 fanpage...

Post by Ravenous Dragon »

Yeah, go ahead and check...I'm not sure why you would be getting javascript errors, as I coded the page entirely in HTML.

Unless it's maybe the counter?

Not sure. I haven't gotten any errors, so feel free to check it out if you like.

Thanks =)

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Re: My soon to be Exult/Ultima 7 fanpage...

Post by drcode »

Looks good in Konqueror.
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Re: My soon to be Exult/Ultima 7 fanpage...

Post by wjp »

The site itself works in Galeon too.

That annoying geocities pop-up-window-thingie is really broken here, though. It's located in the middle of the page and displays "undefined".
(That's probably the source of any javascript errors too)
Belyaev Dragon

Re: My soon to be Exult/Ultima 7 fanpage...

Post by Belyaev Dragon »

Strange, in Neoplanet 5.2 Build 1704 (with IE 5.0) the geocities window is in the upper right. And I didn't get any JavaScript errors.