SI & Gwanni bug?

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Adrian Powici

SI & Gwanni bug?

Post by Adrian Powici »

Found a possible bug in SI.

Playing through to the Gwanni part, I goto talk to Baiyanda about curing Neyobi but she just thanks me for helping her cure him by getting the dragon blood, which I obviously havent done yet.

Is this just me or a bug?

As far as I recall she should give a code for a dungeon, can I play on without this code or is it a plot stopper?
Adrian Powici

Re: SI & Gwanni bug?

Post by Adrian Powici »

Sorry just realised its not a plot stopper by reading a guide on the Internet to find out the code.
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Re: SI & Gwanni bug?

Post by artaxerxes »

I'm not the expert on the matter but it is probably a flag bug.
F2 is a good tools to fix it.

Otherwise, it is a plot stopper because you cannot enter a certain temple without the password.

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Re: SI & Gwanni bug?

Post by Dominus »

Adrian: This was fixed in snapshots very long ago (even in the last Alpha? Not so sure). The problem is however that with a game that got started pre-fix the flag is still set and you have to manually unset it.
Willem, can you tell us what Adrian has to set?
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Re: SI & Gwanni bug?

Post by wjp »

You have to set flag 0x1e for Neyobi to make her ill again. The procedure for this is:


Good luck,
Willem Jan
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Re: SI & Gwanni bug?

Post by XxVenomxX »

Yeah, I had this problem earlier too. In the same vein, you might encounter a problem with Gwenno being 'sane' when monks rescue her, before you get the water for her. Just reset her 'met' flag and the aforementioned 'misc' flag, and it should make her insane again, hehe.
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Re: SI & Gwanni bug?

Post by Paulon »

There's a problem with the original game plot with that.
If you don't get the Hound of Doskar to track Batlin's Fellowship medallion, you don't get the password related stuff. Once the Hound does the tracking, you can get the password from the Gwani.
Neutronium Dragon

Re: SI & Gwanni bug?

Post by Neutronium Dragon »

Yes, this caught me the first time too. Knowing the Batlin had gone to the northlands, I didn't think to summon the hound to track him, and thus I couldn't get the password. (Until at last I was forced to look at a walkthrough...)

The same thing happens if you go to Shamino's castle looking for Batlin without having tracked him - the central building is walled off with force fields until you do.

Neutronium Dragon
Max aka Moscow Dragon

Re: SI & Gwanni bug?

Post by Max aka Moscow Dragon »

I also saw the bug in Shamino's castle.
The Serpent said about the "Eye Of The Moon" there. It should not be so.

After this, the Serpent said nothing on Vasculio and talked the next time only at Batlin's death.
Neutronium Dragon

Re: SI & Gwanni bug?

Post by Neutronium Dragon »

The serpent does speak there, if I recall - it instructs you to seek the temple, and within it the eye of the moon. Doing so gives you a vision of Batlin and his henchmen in Spinebreaker, preparing for your arrival.

As for speaking in Skullcrusher, the serpent only seemed to do that in my games if I was deliberately ignoring Vasculio's area and wandering elsewhere in the place.

Neutronium Dragon
Adrian Powici

Re: SI & Gwanni bug?

Post by Adrian Powici »

Thanks for your help!