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u9 with the u7 engine

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2001 5:29 pm
by toad`sMoke
i believe someone with much time on their hands should dedicate themselves to recreate u9 with the u7 engine. you could use exalt studios.

...or has someone already thought of that?

Re: u9 with the u7 engine

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2001 11:18 pm
by drcode
No, but we've talked about redoing U4 with Exult, except we really ought to get Origin's permission.

Re: u9 with the u7 engine

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 4:14 am
by silver serpent
Ultima 9 is way more technically advanced, that would take years and years to do. I know it gets lots of bad write ups, but personally I think the graphics and the world on U9 is amazing. And its not as unstable as people make out, especially not with the new patches.

BTW u4 on exult sounds like a good idea

Re: u9 with the u7 engine

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 4:34 am
by Karl
Would sending an email to EA and waiting a reasonable amount of time for them to respond be enough? It's likely that they will just ignore the email, and the project as well like they have with Exult so far.

Oh, just curious, but how much work would you guess needs to be done on Exult Studio before it can be used to create an entire adventure from scratch? You were planning on working on ES after Exult goes beta, correct?


Re: u9 with the u7 engine

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 6:41 am
by Trevor_Clim
a guy of the forum here said a while ago some wise sentences:

"Someone could take the same game, the same plot, and the same characters (with any additions they felt like) and build a larger Britannia to play in. More wilderness to explore, larger cities to visit, bigger oceans to sail, more islands, more rogue encampments, more, more, more, MORE, MORE, MORE, MMMMOOOORRRRRREEEEE! "

Re: u9 with the u7 engine

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 7:43 am
by Dominus
The problem with EA is that even if they decided to ignore your email you couldn't be sure if they wouldn't gun you down when you are close to having it finished. And the way the world moves they could just notify your host and could possibly get your site removed even before you get a notification. And if they threaten you with a lawsuit (after all you emailed them beore and gave them your real name) you will proabably not put the new game up anywhere else.
(just being a bit pessimistic)

Re: u9 with the u7 engine

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 7:56 am
by Karl
I had not thought about it that way. I guess doing so would be rather risky, and it would be annoying to see a bunch of work get thrown away if they decided to fight it.

I'd say the chance of getting offical permission would be slim to none, however.

Are any of the other Ultima remakes near completion? I suppose one could judge EA's likely reaction based on how they treat these projects.


Re: u9 with the u7 engine

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 8:30 am
by DragonKain
I would love to see U6 with Exult. It seems the guys re-making U6 with the Dungeon Seige engine are at least a year and a half away from a finished product... =(

Re: u9 with the u7 engine

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 8:50 am
by Dominus
Hm, doing it with Exult would take at least as much time.

Re: u9 with the u7 engine

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 11:22 am
by DragonKain
Doh! (sorry.. im ignorent when it comes to programming.)

Re: u9 with the u7 engine

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 1:27 pm
by SB-X
The DS engine is uninteresting and the U6 remake in it is uninteresting. Ultima6 doesn't need to be "re-made". The plot and gameplay and world is perfect. I would simply like to port it over to Exult(U6 with U7 graphics and sounds and effects!)

*SB-X waits for multiple-map support to get added to Exult.*

Re: u9 with the u7 engine

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 2:56 pm
by Tim
The U6 remake won't even get started until that Dungeon Siege thingie gets released.

U4 with Exult would be cool. Hope there's more dialogue... a BG amount, not SI. In SI, I feel like I'm talking to a single character for hours. And I hate not going through every option because you may miss something.

Re: u9 with the u7 engine

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2001 1:20 am
by Oblivious
I've been working on a light-hearted drawing of the U4-era version of the 8 companions in a group picture all doing silly things.

Iolo: stringin' his lute
Geoffrey: flexing his arm
Julia: flexing her muscles
Dupre: giving Geoffrey bunny ears (Geoffrey is completely oblivious to this)

Katrina: Giving a thumbs-up
Shamino&Jaana: both flashing the peace sign
Mariah: making a face

I still haven't drawn in Iolo or Mariah, yet, and it's still just a rough draft, so it won't be finished for some time.

Re: u9 with the u7 engine

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2001 3:48 am
by Trevor_Clim
u7 with the u9 engine? that would be cooool.

Re: u9 with the u7 engine

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 7:52 pm
by drk
you dont have to port u9 through exult, just use the exult engine itself to design the game with the story line and whatever else you wanted. it would still take about the same time as the dungeonsiege remake would take if you are gonna redo ultima 6. there should atleast be an attempt made to redo the older ultima's with atleast graphics that are atleast half as good as exult if not with exult itself.

there's already several remakes going for ultima 9 trying to fix the story and game itself in a different engine. some are actually looking ok. those that are waiting for the ds engine to use are probably going to be dissappointed.

atleast with exult you know its already got the ultima feel.

Re: u9 with the u7 engine

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2001 6:13 am
by Tim
Why does everyone pick on Geoffrey?