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Post by MV »

I just played the newest windows 1.1 version of exult on my laptop, (p2 366, 256RAM, 2.5meg graphics), and it's very very good.

I used to have to play it at 320x240, (the next one up from 320x200), to actually be playable, but, with the new party formation, the speed is so good I can play it at 400x300 no problems.

I saw mentioned elsewhere about the speed being better, but man, I didn't believe it was that good. :)

Re: Speed

Post by `daniel »

I too am thoroughly happy with the old style party formation in exult. It makes the game faster and feels more like the origional, what more could you ask for? :P

Re: Speed

Post by MV »

Yea, previously I had only played it on my main system, and just decided the other day to try it on the laptop to see if it was indeed faster. :)
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Re: Speed

Post by drcode »

The plan:

1. Write something that nobody likes.
2. After a couple years, fix it, and receive lots of praise.
3. Profit!
Grimlock Dragon
Posts: 56
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: Speed

Post by Grimlock Dragon »

Hey that sounds like an M$ strategy! :0P

Re: Speed

Post by `daniel »

DrCode is surely evil...
I think the first party formation in exult could be useful if the party didn't move into your way when you were walking. Just some little adjustments like that and it could be quite useful! I mean they open doors for you and that's always nice to have.
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Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: Speed

Post by drcode »

Way back, I thought it would be cool to model the party members such that they behaved independently. Each one would see where the Avatar was travelling, and then walk towards the same goal.

In practice, it didn't work out so well. The pathfinder was called way too often (resulting in slowdowns), and it was difficult to debug. In the newer 'flocking' algorithm, each time the Avatar takes a step, a routine is called to have each of the party members also take a step. There were still, initially, lots of problems, but it was much easier to debug.

Re: Speed

Post by MV »

I know the ultimate fix though.

Play it solo.

Has anyone else done that? It's not that bad going the whole game alone. Mind, I've never done SI solo though, I think I might have to try that.

Re: Speed

Post by gator »

I hate to say this but the only rease I have a party in U7/SI is for their pack mule abilities...
Dino (can't log in)

Re: Speed

Post by Dino (can't log in) »

Heh, me too... though they are useful in combat too.

Re: Speed

Post by MV »

Yea, but after The isle of fire, you're pretty much invincible, and with 60 STR, you can just slap a barrel on your back. :)

But yea, as for mules, I divide it up like this in TBG and SI:

Iolo: MISC items; Wands, magic items, etc.
Dupre: Booze and money
Shamino: Food, gems + Jewelery.

But in the next few weeks, I've gotta try SI solo.

Re: Speed

Post by Skutarth »

Two grievances on DrCode's plan:

1. What are you talking about? M$ has only succeded in both steps one and three, but definetely not two!

2. Profit?! Exult is opensource*, let alone free*!

* = Awesome

You guys are still awesome.