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Andrea B Previtera


Post by Andrea B Previtera »

Well, it's a strong word, but it's more or less the feeling that catched me some time ago about Ultima 7. Exult unveiled me all the mysteries of the world of Black Gate. And I don't talk about the plot, but the very world itself. Geographically speaking.

That feeling of "being lost" isn't there anymore. Ok, I still enjoy Ultima VII, and a lot more than I did before, but /that/ particular feeling is gone. The Black Gate's world now lies disemboweled on a surgery table and every piece of it, every most hidden item and tile - I can inspect it under a magnifying lens.

Ah well, I think this is the price we pay for "opening the black box", the price we pay for curiosity... and retroengineering :) Anyone else was struck by the same feeling?
Posts: 87
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: depression

Post by Daemongar »

I know the feeling - it's kinda like seeing your grandma naked: sure, you ain't never gonna have to worry about not never having seen her naked, but when you do, you don't want to anymore and kinda wished you hadinta.

Wait, it's not like that at all... lemme try this again...

Re: depression

Post by MV »

I "saw the whole world" by actually playing the game years before exult ever was in existance. ;)
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Re: depression

Post by drcode »

Don't worry. As you get older, your memory will fade, and then it will be like a whole new game:-)
Tristan de Inés

Re: depression

Post by Tristan de Inés »

Yes, I know exactly what you mean... only that I experienced this a long time ago...
at first, Ultima was this big, seemingly endless, mysterious world. Then you started to get a feel for the most importand locations, cities, roads, but still got lost in the wilderness and surprised by some unique location you never stumbled across before. But sooner or later it get's to you, the feeling of having been everywhere...

That's why I'm looking forward so much for any ExultStudio-Spawns... New Worlds! Yohooo! :)
Trevor_Clim (damn login)

Re: depression

Post by Trevor_Clim (damn login) »

i know this feeling, too! Big Britannia became small and kinda easy to handle.
My girl-friend didn't know Ultima VII until some days ago and it's highly interesting watching her playing it, finding things out, discovering new locations, etc.
Everyone who has these sad feelings like Andrea should try watching someone else playing Ultima VII the first time trough, it's really interesting how they interact with the world, etc.
the most exciting thing is that many players play their own game IN the game, they roleplay in the game, due to the immersive complexity of Britannia and the various possibilities to interact with it.

ehm, sorry for my uncommon english, i know it's strange ^___^

Re: depression

Post by Warder »

I get my "new things to discover in Britannia" fix from Ultima Legacy, but yeah, I know what you mean. I wish I could "un-play" both BG and Serpent Isle.